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Monday, December 8, 2008

Kokeshi Doll Christmas Ornaments

This weekend I was busy making kokeshi doll ornaments for my daughter's nursery class. Each child is supposed to bring something to give to the other children. I decided to give ornaments since I've been told no one throws away a Christmas ornament. Do you think this true? Have you ever thrown away Christmas ornament? The only ornaments I've thrown away were broken ones. Curious to hear your thoughts.

Directions to make Kokeshi Doll Ornaments here.

I also made this gift tag to go with the ornaments. You're welcome to use the image to make tags for yourself. Just right click, copy, save, and print on heavy card stock.


Stacy said...

OMG cutest painted wooden dolls I've ever seen!

Natalie said...

Great idea for Christmas! I have only thrown away broken ornaments too. Although not every ornament makes it onto the tree every year. Sometimes we only put up a small pink one if we are traveling during holidays. Today we are getting a real tree. Yippee!

zakkalife said...


I don't always put up every ornament either. Usually I like to have the tree as a specific theme. This year I just let the kids put up whatever they wanted. So needless to say, there's a lot of toy ornaments at the bottom of the tree.

Rachel@oneprettything.com said...

Hmm. I don't think I've ever thrown any away but I don't use all of them every year. I rotate, make theme trees, swap with family, etc. These dolls are SO cute. I'll be linking.

toyfoto said...

We don't throw ornaments away in our house until they break.

If Annabel got one of those from one of her friends? She'd sleep with it.

mushroommeadows said...

throwing away ornaments is really hard to do, but i think i've given ones away that were super generic or that i bought myself. :)

super cute ornaments. I KNOW I wouldn't throw those ones away. :)

(by the way, did you ever receive the surprise I sent you? :))

Kristin - The Goat said...

I have given ornaments to GoodWill, but it's a rare case when that happens. I'd put that ornament on my tree - you can guarantee it!

Rachael Hutchings said...

I loved these ornaments last year, and love this year's version even more! SO darling! I love the gift tag too, and will definitely be using it. THANK YOU!!!

Christy said...

I love these kokeshi dolls! So pretty! I recycle broken ornaments if I can. They're just too precious. xx

Christy said...

P.s. thanks for your kokeshi tag download! it is very sweet.

HaveFaith said...

The dolls are really cute. I don't think anyone would throw those away.

Anonymous said...

These are unbelievable. I was coveting similar ones last night on Etsy wishing I had the skills talented folks like you possess. Well done!

Carmen said...

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful tag! and the dolls are amazing! I love kokeshi dolls. I love your blog too. It reminds me of Japan :)

Unknown said...

Very nice..and I am sure yours is the the most unique.

nobu said...

Pretty Kokeshi dolls!!

Chandan said...

love the cute lil dolls...

Unknown said...

I absolutely love your idea! YES YES... people do not throw away ornaments! I've been brainstorming, (with little success til now) on what to give certain people! I really love the ornament and gift tag!

redchuckstress said...

I have never thrown an ornament away. Only if mine broke too. They are too precious! I love yours thanks for sharing.

macati said...

yes... I never threw a xmas ornament out and these I wouldn't for sure... they are so pretty!!! they are so sweet that I would carry one in my bag...:)
my bag is full of things that bring me cute memories...

alittlebitofscrap said...

Those are adorable and no, I've never ever thrown away a Christmas ornament. I also like to give them as gifts :)

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Love these kokeshi dolls...great as ornaments or just on their own, too. We have a kokeshi doll collection from living in Japan so it would be fun to add some mini ones of our own design!

Liz said...

Funny you should ask. I tried to throw away a few old nasty cheap plastic ones, but I couldn't bring myself to do it! So I still have them, in a box, in the basement. But I also have several broken ones that I can't bear to part with.

The Green Zebra Studio said...

Thanks! This is so cute! I'd love to match this with an origami set I'm giving my friend. I'm printing it out already.

I also made some gift tags that I'd love to share with you. :-)


fern said...

I've never thrown any away either, but I was grateful to whoever donated 40 vintage glass baubles to our local charity shop, as they came home to stay with me!
To echo everyone else again, those dolls are WONDERFUL!

Di said...

Love them! Did you see the Kokeshi Gallery that Beth over at Red Yarn (blogspot) held earlier this year where people made kokesi doll, posted photos to Beth and she hosted them on her blog for 2 weeks - some really cute ones!

JeanP said...

Thank you for posting the gift tags. Everyone loved them.

Yarni Gras! said...

omgosh these are TOO STINKIN' CUTE!

ummm...I throw broken ornaments away. I have my favorites but I feel guilty not using all the others.
I'm getting too many though and honestly prefer handmade to store bought so this coming year I am going to go through and 'cull' out those that don't make the cut! HA! I'll donate those to the kid's schools.

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled upon your blog today. Though I am more than 2 months late to make these Christmas ornaments, I'll definitely try to make these Kokeishi dolls cos they are absolutely kawaii! Thank you for sharing your craft ideas.

Anonymous said...

Just finished some similar dolls for our ornament swap.
I thought I'd made them up, now I see they're traditional Japanese dolls... How funny!
I'm going to use your tag, it is so adorable; thank you for offering it to us.
I repair ornaments that get damaged, never discard them.

MsPIGgii said...

Absolutely gorgeous. I love Kokeshi Dolls. Your tag is perfect for my kokeshi doll bags.


Thanks so much!!

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