This year we're keeping it kid friendly around here for Halloween (no spooky decorations). So instead of the traditional carved pumpkin, we're making Mr. & Mrs. Pumpkin Heads. What's great about this project is one, you don't have to hollow out the pumpkin. Two, your kids get to make the pumpkin instead of just watching. And three, it's fun for kids. My daughter played with her pumpkin for a good 45 minutes.
Supplies:Mr. Potato Head Pieces - if you don't have any, check your local thrift store or borrow some from a friend
Screw Driver
One pumpkin

With the screwdriver, puncture holes for the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, arms, hat, and feet. Make sure the potato head pieces fit well. Place pieces in the holes just like a Mr. Potato Head. Done

Chill with your pumpkin.
great idea. i still have my daughter's old mr. potato head in the basement. i actually saw themed sets like this at target today.
Actually this is a "retro" idea.
When Mr.Potato Head was first introduced, there was no plastic potato, just the "accessory" pieces. You had to supply your own real potato.
I love your idea of making this a kid friendly project! But the child in all of us would enjoy this too!
Great idea for both happy and kid-friendly!
I agree with Novi on the Go - not just for kids!!! I MUST do this, no carving mess, either!
My 3 year-old and 21 month-old boys love Mr. Potato Head. I bet they would get a kick out of this!!
That's a fun idea. I could see my girls enjoying this.
mrs. pumpkin head is adorable! =o) great idea for halloween.
Your daughter is really kawaiiiiii!!!!
Did you knit that sweater?
How fun are these!!! I have a 12 year old who would LOVE this idea... I better put Potato Heads on my shopping agenda :)
great sense of humor.
Love the pic of your daughter chillin with her pumpkin. Great shot! Great idea!
cute! both pumpkin head and your little girl!
Aww your daughter looks so cute chillin' with her new friend!
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