Lay down all your bottle cap things on waxed paper into the image above. Hot glue drops in between all the circles to connect them. Pull off the waxed paper when dry. The glue will stick to the waxed paper (you will have to rip all of it off). To make the shape of the bowl:
Glue 1 on top of 2 ( you'll have to bend the star to do this, refer to picture)
Glue 3 on top of 4
Glue 5 on top of 6 Done!
Glue 5 on top of 6 Done!
Wow! What a fantastic project. I'd love to hear more about what your town's event is like if you don't mind passing some info on to me - I'd like to do that here, too!
That is just amazing and your photographs are wonderful. I am so impressed. I don't have a clue what I would even come up with in a challenge like that. Great job.
Oh my that is gorgeous!
Now that is trus recycling! Fabulous!!!!
Fantastic idea - I'm going to post this up onto craftjuice. Let me know if you don't want it to go up there!
thanks for all the kind comments
swirlyarts, it's fine with me if you post it on craftjuice
That is so great!
how creative !
at 1st glance I did not see a bowl but instead a cool lamp! You could put some battery operated tea light nestled in some sea glass. How cool would that look! Can I post this on my blog?
gorgeous!! I found it on Craft Gossip-fantastic work!
going to read the rest of your blog now
This is such a neat project. Re: glue sticking to wax paper: use Reynold's "Release" aluminum foil and it will NOT stick! Best baking stuff ever made for CRAFTERS! Love your blog, too! Nelda in TN
nelda mc765 @ charter. net
Question about how you got the thing out of the cap. I am doing a project for school and I think that what you did is really cool. How did you possibly get those things out so good. The ones that I have tried come out alright but they don't look as good as your.
My husband gets them out of the caps for me. He's addicted to coca-cola points and he has to get out the cap liners to read the codes better. I'm just guessing, but maybe it's easier to extract them from the coke bottles opposed to a different bottle. I could send you some if you like, just e-mail me if you're interested.
Thank you so much for answering my question. That really helped. It is amazing how those things just pop out of the coke caps. Knowing this will really help me with my project. Thanks again.
Re: how to remove liners from Bottlecaps
1)Boil the bottle caps in water and liners will easily come out.
2) use a candle warmer to heat cap and liner will easily come right out.
Gina : )))
The Pretty Pink Owl,
Thank you for answering Lauren's question. :)
Wonderful project! I am with the crafter that first saw a lamp. :o) I am already thinking of different shapes. I appreciate the tip about boiling, too. Wonderful idea.
Your project's been Candoodled! I love it so I've shared it:
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