Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thriftin' Ain't Easy

Last weekend I went out searching for an ugly blazer for my husband's Fantasy Baseball League. You know, typical wife duties. Should have been easy, right? Nope. Instead I found a bunch of gray small check blazers. But all was not lost. In the process, I found this great retro wrapping paper!

Would love to hear about your best thrift store finds. Please share.


  1. love the paper! the colors are so cheerful!
    I go thrift store shopping a lot because there is a big thrift store down the street from my house. On my blog the current front page has two different pics of some favorite finds, the bambi mug was 99 cents, and the charlie brown fire king mug was 99 cents as well.
    right now I haven't gone in almost one month to save money for daiso. it has been really hard!

  2. Oh what fabulous paper. So vibramt.

  3. that would be darling framed up, wouldn't it?

  4. robiewankenobie, so with you on the idea of framing it.

    bunbun, thanks for sharing, I checked out your blog, great finds

  5. Thrifting hasn't been fruitful for me here in Brooklyn, New York. Everything is way over priced. Even the Salvation Army near me ask for ridiculous prices.

  6. I LOVE the paper! That is sooooo cute! Seeing finds like aht make me want to go thrifting ASAP!!!

  7. I passed along an award to you today... hope you come by to pick it up!

  8. oiyi,

    I know exactly what you're talking about, the thrift stores can be expensive here as well, especially my favorite one, thriftown

  9. Cute paper. Can't think of any thrift store finds at the moment. :P

    Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex

  10. the thirft shops around me are horrible. whenever i need a fix i usually end up at the antique stores in our area. more expensive, but you don't have to dig as much.

  11. awesome!
    i found a giant green glass water pitcher shaped like an owl not too long ago. i'm afraid to use it, b/c i'm sort of clumsy. even though i only paid $2, i would be devastated if i smashed it.

  12. Found you via nannybird. Loved the paper it is the best use of orange that I have seen in ages. We call then charity shops in the UK and now anything thrifty is now called vintage and costs the earth. car boots sales is where you would now find thrifty items which have been in cupboards for years. Love the kimono valentine too. Cute

  13. hey knitxcore,

    the owl pitcher sounds awesome, I can understand why you're afraid to use it

    indigo blue,
    car boot sales, I've never hear of that before, I'm guessing it's like a flea market??? thanks for your sharing :)
