Sunday, April 20, 2008

Cherry Blossom Festival

We were fortunate enough to attend the Cherry Blossom Festival in San Francisco today. The picture above is a fish from the doll exhibit. My understanding is this fish was made in the Kimekomi method. Apparently the method involves applying the fabric with a special spatula and glue to a wooden carved doll or in this case fish. There's no sewing involved! I'm seriously considering taking a class to learn this.

Below are some pictures I took of the parade.

Boy Scout Troop Carrying Carp

Taiko Drum Float

NBC Float


  1. The parade looks like such fun. I've never heard of that type of craft before (Kimekomi method).

  2. It looks wonderful! You are lucky to live in an area with such diversity. *sigh* I miss it.

  3. Wow, you are so lucky. It's looks so fun!

  4. you are indeed very lucky! The last time we made a trip to SF we missed the sakura fest. by about two weeks. Thank you for sharing w/ photos,I have always wanted to go. I love the giant kokeshi doll float!

  5. No sewing required? That's really interesting!

  6. Hi, thanks for your visit. This looks like an amazing parade with lots of lovely colours. Good luck if you decide on learning how to craft the kimekomi method. That fish looks amazing.

  7. These photos are so gorgeous. They feel so lively and vibrant with their beautiful bright colors.
