Saturday, May 3, 2008

"We need to talk about your flare"

I'm happy to announce that I finally created a button(or flare) for Zakka Life. You can add these buttons to your blogs instead of having a text link if you wish. Let me know if you have any problems installing the code.

P.S. If you don't know what the picture above is about, click here.


  1. haha cute buttons!
    i have to figure that out some day.

  2. I there, tks for dropping by and I lvoe this button, I'll add it up to my sidebar :) have a great week ahead

  3. how cute are those? i am so lame at putting stuff like that on my blog. any tips?

  4. The buttons are so cute. Thanks. Now, come and see my giveaway...

  5. So cute! I am putting it up right now!!!

  6. O gosh HI!
    I saw your comment on m.kate's blog, and I had to visit just a whim, ok?

    I really enjoyed looking at your blog! I also enjoy crafting, I'm just not as good at it.

    I'll see you later!

  7. Oh god, Office Space is one of my all time favourite movies. I am really in the mood to watch it right now.
    Nice buttons too.

  8. Super cute button! Office Space is one of my favorite movies too.

  9. I just added my flare. Now I'm going to go watch Kung Fu Theater. :)

  10. I love your flare! Thanks for providing the code. I am proud to wear your flare. hee hee

  11. I love your button, and am enjoying your site!
    Adding immediately!

  12. Ahhh! Hugs to you for doing this! I feel like I wasn't seeing the forest for the trees because I was already using Photobucket, etc. Thank you so much - this will make it tons easier for lots of people!

  13. Discovered you via Blogger. You have a cute logo!
    I have to suggest though that you replace the alt="Photobucket" part in your code to alt="Zakka Life Crafts" or something more descriptive.
    The ALT is alternate/descriptive text that shows if in case the image doesn't show, like if they're mobile or blind. So putting a more descriptive title will help your readers and score you points with the search engines as well! HTH
