Monday, June 9, 2008

Sea Glass Earrings

I am always trying to instill in our children the virtues of giving. For Birthdays and Christmas I try to have the children make things for relatives and friends. I have found that the children take a lot of pride and joy in this as well. So for the past year we've been collecting sea glass at the beach with the intention of using it for a gift.

This is what we made with the sea glass, earrings. I got the idea from a Martha Stewart magazine. But instead of drilling holes in the sea glass like the magazine instructed, I simply glued them to some earring posts with E 6000 glue. I attached the earrings to a cute candy box I saved ( picture above). Inside the the box I will insert a tiny scroll saying where the sea glass came from and how it was hand picked by my son, he chose the color too. Then I'll have him sign the letter.

We were able to make four pairs of earrings from all the sea glass(top picture). The challenge is finding pieces similar in color and shape.

Here's what the earring posts look like. I purchased a set of 60 for $3.00 at a craft store.

*E 6000 Glue should only be used by Adults

What do you have your children make/give for gifts?


  1. Oh that's such a great idea! I'm sad now though because we gave away our whole jar of sea glass as a gift...
    Oh well, time to start looking for more!

    We are about to move back to OZ from Japan & have been making a lot of cardboard hearts with our new info on them.
    The girls love making them...Xxx

  3. As usual, you've come up with another fantastic idea. :-) I've never even heard of sea glass. :-o Of course, I've never lived near the sea, either.

  4. aww, those are lovely! and i love how your kids played such a big part in them. wish i lived near the sea!

  5. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! What a great idea for a gift...

  6. what a great idea indeed!!!
    i love it!

  7. So cute! My mom was always really good about doing stuff like this with me to make gifts. I remember one year we painted little wooden hearts and glued those to earring posts. Another year she taught me to sew simple little drawstring bags and then we filled them with See's suckers.

  8. beautiful!

    oh e6000 glue is the best! :)

  9. Great idea! Love the presentation with the little scroll - so sweet. My daughter has recently made her grandmothers an apron each. She has always loved to craft with me!

  10. A very interesting blog you have here. I chanced upon it while looking for leg warmers online. Made me remember how my mom used to knit for us all the time. I guess I should also so something like this for my son :-)

  11. What a great idea. I picked up a ton of beach glass on my recent trip to Puerto Rico. A nice pair of earrings would be a lovely keepsake. Thanks.

  12. I just love sea glass and am always on the look out for some when we go to the beach! I especially love the blues and blue greens and even a red one here and there!

    I wrap them with wire and make charms and even once hot glued some around a clean baby food jar to make a pretty votive!

  13. Those are beautiful! A gift from the sea made into gifts for friends, how lovely!

  14. I love sea glass. Ever since reading an Anita Shreve book where sea glass was collected I have loved it (not that I have any myself):(
    You have come up with a unique way to showcase it.

  15. Very interesting. I've never look into that before. :D

    Alex's World! -

  16. but THIS is a great idea!!!! love the earrings!!!!
    so coool!!!!

  17. these are lovely. natural and irregular and muted and just perfect. we are a long way from the ocean, but next time we get there I will remember this for sure.

  18. Hi,

    I started a social networking site for sea glass artists and collectors. I hope you will join us. The network is full of friendly and creative people and I think you would enjoy it!

    Lisl Armstrong

  19. I would like to invite any true sea glass collector to come join us on an agenda free, jewelry free site dedicated to one thing and one thing only, the Love Of Sea Glass.

    We are the largest, fastest growing member network with over 750 members already.

    We share beach locations, craft ideas, photos, philosophy on beach combing, shard id help and much MUCH more!

    Please visit today and share your Lover of Sea Glass at
