Sunday, July 6, 2008

Another Game of Tag

Well I guess that old saying is true, "when it rains, it pours".

Julia from "Create With Me" was kind enough to pass an award my way. Thanks Julia!

M. Kate from La Vie Est Belle recently passed this award on to me. Thanks M. Kate!

Anja from Drobtinice nominated me for this award. Thanks Anja!

Here's some facts about me you may or may not know.

1. I spent a month in Mexico with my best friend during my sixth grade year. We went to Mexico so her parents could gather research for their dissertations.
2. I found an arrowhead in Mexico but had to leave it at the site. Sometimes I wish I kept it.
3. I have a phobia of bees.
4. When I was two I decided to walk to the pet store by myself. The babysitter had no idea where I was. The police found me at the drug store.
5. I played the violin for five years but can only remember "twinkle, twinkle little star".

The following sites I'm passing the awards onto.

- Adorable illustrations
Honey and Clover - She cooks a lot and takes wonderful photos
La Fuji Mama - Japanese food, crafts, and life
Finding My Knitch - Recipes, life stories and knitting
Hurrayic - Sewing and inspiration
My Byrd House - Sewing, cute aprons!
Macati - Crafts, Sewing, and other fun stuff
Planetjune - cute crochet patterns

There's so many blogs I visit. I wish I had time to list them all.


  1. Well deserved awards!

    I loved your random list...:-) I have a bee phobia, too.

  2. You definitely deserve the awards, Jessica. Your blog is a friendly place, and you seem to have a bottomless barrel of creative ideas!

    I appreciate you including me in those to whom you passed it on. Coming from you, that's quite a compliment!

    I admire that you spent a month in a foreign country at such a young age. I was always too much of a chicken and homebody to be willing to be away from my family for more than overnighters.

  3. I'm just starting to get caught up on blogs in my blog reader--what a treat to click on yours! THANK YOU!!! What an honor to be honored by you.

  4. Congratulations! I do so love your blog.

  5. wow, thank you jessica, i cant believe i didn't see this earlier!!!!
    you were one of the first blogs i started reading and it has influenced me a great deal! you were also the first american persn i heard use the term zakka! before that i had only seen in in japanese magazines.

    anyhow, i read most ogf the blogs you mentioned. they are great. i wish i was more of a crafter, but i still love reading craft blogs because they are so visual and pretty.

    so here is to many more days spent reading zakkalife, it is a pleasure!
