Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I'm attending BlogHer

Crafts & DIY

You may have seen this badge on my blog and I just wanted to share that I'll be attending the BlogHer Conference July 18-20. If anyone I know(or don't know) in blog land will be attending please shoot me an email( Lets try to meet up!


  1. Have a wonderful time. I'm trying really hard not be be jealous. Sniff.

  2. wont be tickets for last minute booking (hahaha) but i wish you a wonderful weekend anyway

  3. Oopps i was there . But now i am reading your post

  4. crud! I just saw this- I wish I would have met you there! It was so great huh? xo

  5. I was there and we met at the first breakout session on legal/taxes stuff!

    Check out that salmon! Yummmmm.....

    Crafts? I get high just walking into Michael's craft store - it's the world's greatest antidepressant!

  6. PS - I was telling everyone about your business card book - and I'm just about to order one for me!

    GREAT idea - I'll never leave for a conference without one!

  7. I was glad to meet you at BlogHer! Sorry we didn't get to chat longer!

    Mary, mom to 10
