Monday, August 18, 2008

How to Make Doily Flower Cubes

Last week I had shared about the doily decorations I made for my Sister in Law's engagement party. Here's the tutorial as promised.

circle doilies with a diameter of 8 inches
tissue paper


First you will want to make six tissue flowers, directions here.

Make a cut to the center of the doily, refer to picture.

Bend into a cone shape and tape to secure. The angle of the cone should be somewhere between 90 - 120 degrees. Make six cones total.

Glue two cones together like the picture above. Try to match up the scalloped edges while gluing. Make a total of two of these.

Glue the two halves together that you just made in the last step. Your cube should now look like the picture above.

Glue a cone into the top of the four cones. Your cube should now look like the picture above. Flip over and glue the last cone into the bottom of the cube. At all times try to match up the scallops. Last, glue a tissue flower in the inside of each cone. Done.

Happy Engagement Danny and Akemi!


  1. What a darling couple, and what a pretty decoration!

  2. certainly looks easy, I'll have a go at it :D

  3. Hi! I've been looking at your blog a LOT recently since I just discovered it, and I think you're just fabulous. I was so surprised to get to this entry because I realized, "I KNOW THOSE PEOPLE!" Well, I know Danny, because he's my friend from college. The world is such a small place! Thank you for all the inspirational ideas!

  4. Very pretty! Found you via google image search for doilies! Looking foward to checking out your other projects.

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  5. That's so funny, I know of Danny and his wife (same fellowship)! :] (I know Rita in the above comment as well)

    Great blog!
