Saturday, September 6, 2008

Giveaway Sites and an Award

necklace made by Christina

I don't know about you but I always like to enter giveaways. The nice thing about the blogosphere is there's always a giveaway going on. The necklace above I won from Christina over at "The Joy of Christina". There were also some other fun goodies in the box that she sent me.

Here are some sites I visit for Giveaways


Bloggy Giveaways


5 Minutes for Mom

Where do you go for Giveaways/contests?

Thank you Ginger for passing another award on to me.

Here's who I'm passing it on to.

Little Miss Firefly




  1. i really like the wiknit blog ( it is basically limited to knitting giveaways (as the name implies), but yarn is very good. : )

  2. yay, an award for me!!!
    thank you very much, i am so gonna brag about this! :)

  3. That necklace is gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway sites to check out...if you ever are willing to share a system for WINNING a giveaway, let me know:-)

  4. I have posted ai giveaway today. I seem to stumble on others purely by accident.

  5. Wow- good list of giveaways. I go to Grosgrain, Cool Mom Picks, Freebie Friday here, vermillion Rules on Mondays I have a book mark folder called Giveaways on my toolbar, I put the day for the giveaway if it is regular so I know to click on that day. Great system, but the only thing I have won is a cool box of Dominoes at Mens Gift Guide (whom seems to no longer be posting.)
