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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

LEGO Christmas Ornaments: Work with What Your Mama Gave Ya

Last year I got the idea of using LEGO blocks to make Christmas Ornaments. I finally got around to making some and they came out as planned. I didn't use any glue to make these so they can be taken apart after Christmas to play with. To hang the ornaments I placed a tied loop of fishing line between two of the LEGO blocks (exp. LEGO head, fishing line, hat). These are ornaments that anyone could make, even the craft challenged. I could picture a whole tree covered in LEGO ornaments.

Have no idea who this LEGO man is supposed to be. I think it's a toss up between Santa Claus and Dusty Hill.

If you like this post, you might also enjoy LEGO Place Card Holders.


Threeundertwo said...

LOL! I looked at that and thought ZZ Top.

What a great idea. My son is a lego maniac. Unless you get him the expensive Star Wars sets. Those he just scatters around the room.

Anonymous said...

ha! before I read the first comment I was going to say the dude from ZZ Top!

Great idea for ornaments, especially if one wanted to do a theme tree!

mushroommeadows said...

that's very creative! :) haha, cute, too!

Meredith said...

Gotta love this idea! thanks!

Bel said...

Ingenious and cute too. Haha.

Christy said...

a creative and original idea!

Unknown said...

Your creativity has not limit!! This is amazingly cheap and available decors :)

mayaluna said...

I am so excited to show this to my son... he's going to be beside himself!

Ayie said...

Very clever! It's a nice way to theme up your xmas tree.

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I agree, the Lego guy is from ZZ Top!

Toxiferous said...

So cute! Wouldn't it be great to make a pirate themed tree with all of the pirate lego sets out there? Yarrr!

Di said...

Love the lego decorations!! Particularly the lego man - as you say...what lego kit did he come from??

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