Friday, March 6, 2009

Vintage Crafts: Cross-Stitch Bingo

Woman's Day - Beautiful Holiday Handmades 1978
*click on image for a larger view

After my last post on vintage craft magazines, I did a little research on copyright. As I suspected, I can't share the patterns from the magazines. However, I've decided to share some of the pictures periodically for inspiration.

The cross-stitch bingo project above would be easy to recreate even without the directions. What I liked about this project is it reminded me of something I would see in a Japanese Craft book. And check out that little mushroom, very "zakka life"!


  1. Brilliant!! I always love to cross-stitch, it's like the easiest thing to make a decent picture (with cheating on the cross-stitch book of course). I never thought of this though.

  2. Oh, goodness. I could not love this more. Thanks for sharing the image!

  3. Cute idea! I love flipping through vintage crafting books.

  4. o.m.gosh! You've just shown the perfect idea for Christmas Eve presents for the 6 year olds. Boy and girl, but they're at the odd age where I've been pondering what handmade gift to give. Adapted to their likes, it's perfect. (Running for the drawing paper)

  5. Oh my goodness! That someone sits, embroiders and sews the squares... *sigh* Wow.
