Sunday, May 17, 2009

How To Make Wine Cork Magnets

Have a lot of wine corks lying around? Why not make some kitchen magnets out of them? They're quick, easy and inexpensive to make. Simple directions below.

Wine corks
E6000 glue
Strong Magnets
Exacto knife
Here's what kind of magnets you'll need. I purchased these at the hardware store for about $3.

With an exacto knife, dig out a hole in the back of the cork that is the size of the magnet. Place the magnet inside to make sure it fits well. Take it back out.

Place a good amount of glue into the hole and add the magnet. Wipe away any excess glue that comes out the sides. Because the magnet is so strong it is important to use a strong glue. Make sure to let the magnet dry overnight. Done.


  1. I have to do this! I have been saving the wine corks from all of our special occasions, not really knowing what I would actually do with them! Thanks to you, now I know what to do with them!

  2. What a great idea! I just might have to make some this year for stocking stuffers.

  3. wow, this is the craft idea i've been waiting for! i don't know what to do with the corks i have lying around. thank you...

  4. Good idea! How do you get the wine color out of the cork though? I feel like all the ones I ever have are tinted red.

  5. The bottom of the cork still has the wine stain on it. Is that what you're referring to? If so, you can't really see it unless you look under the magnet.

  6. oh, I just cleaned out the kitchen earlier and threw the cork. It's so cute!

  7. It's a great idea. Love the print on the wine cork.

  8. Oh these are great! And I *love* your grocery list. =) I'll be linking.

  9. Fantastic wine cork project... I'm totally making this tonight!

  10. I wanted to let you know that I linked this post on my blog entry on wine cork uses. Great idea!
