Monday, January 10, 2011

Superhero Family Caricature

One of the fun things about having a blog is that you never know what opportunities will come your way. In this case, ABC offered to create a caricature of our family as a part of a promotion for their TV series, No Ordinary Family. We even got to pick are own superhero powers. I chose super speed, my son picked shooting fire with his hands and my daughter wanted to fly. As for my husband, he didn't pick a power so that's why he's just standing there. I think they did a pretty good job with the caricature minus one little mistake. My husband is Japanese, not white. I came up with the idea that his power is shape shifting like Mystique in X-Men but he's not buying it.

Hopefully I'll be back soon with a craft. Our house has been plagued with some awful flu bug which means no energy for crafting. Boo, hiss.


  1. That is SO awesome! Great caricatures. My son & hubby look forward to that show every week.

  2. Postively awesome! What a wonderful keepsake, and a fabulous perk from blogging!

  3. That is so good! :P ahhaa! Love it! :P
    Hope you get well soon!

  4. oh my gosh! that is fantastic, i love it! i am very jealous of your daughter's super power - think of how much money you could save on airfare! ;)

  5. Fabulous.
    Love the vacuum.
    Your husband looks like Clark Kent.

  6. This is so cute! :) I love your blog and your crafts are so inspirational.
    Get well soon!

  7. brilliant pick. with all the multitasking that is required of moms, superhuman speed would be extremely helpful so that we could have more time at the end of the day to do whatever WE want to do.

  8. Definitely awesome! Now use those superpowers to fight the flu bug... ZAAPPP!

  9. Well, first of all, I hope you're all feeling better quickly!

    That picture is fantastic - my girls love that show & I've watched it with them a few times. I think I'd need SuperMom powers to battle germs if I had to pick a power - wouldn't that be nice?

  10. What a great blog! And I love these caricatures. I think I will be spending a lot of time trawling through all the great stuff on your site. Very inspiring...

  11. How awesome! What's your catch phrase? ;)
