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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Upcycle Craft: Easter Egg Containers

Looking for a green alternative to plastic Easter eggs? Then try out these egg containers made out of egg cartons. They're easy to make and can be used year after year. Not to mention, it's a fun craft for kids (and adults).

*I don't recommend placing loose candy in these containers. Instead use candy like chocolate kisses or tiny toys.

Egg carton
Japanese masking tape

Here's what you'll start with, a basic egg carton.

Cut out into individual little cups.

Paint the tops of the cups. If you plan on hiding these outside, paint a couple coats of decoupage medium on them as well. They'll hold up better that way.

Place two cups together and seal with Japanese masking tape. To make the tape lie flat on the cups, cut little slits on the edges of the tape. Done.

These little containers can be used for other occasions such as parties and gifts.


Unknown said...

so sweet and i am ALL for the recycling!

KJ@letsgoflyakite said...

Don't you love how egg cartons absorb paint ? the lavender is beautiful and any project with Japanese masking tape makes me smile.

Smelly Butt's Ama said...

oh I love your go-green Easter Egg container!!

mrs. c said...

I have 5 egg cartons sitting on my shelf waiting for a good idea and I just got one! Thanks!

Michelle L. said...

This would be so much fun on a sunny outdoor Easter egg hunt! And if it's rainy, fun around the house. Cuteness and eco-friendliness!

Dorota Białek said...

Zapraszam po wyróżnienie...papa!!!

zakkalife said...


Yes, they're really great for painting on. Glad you can see the lavender. I was worried it wouldn't show well through the pictures and would just look gray.

Liz said...

Very cute idea.

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