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Friday, December 16, 2011

How to Make an Upcycled Craft Kit

Can you keep a secret?

You can? Good.

I like to collect trash for my kids to play with!

There are so many unique packaging items that make perfect crafting supplies. We use them all the time in our projects. In fact, we use them so much that I have a special box to keep them in. This got me thinking. . . .what if I made an upcycled craft kit?

These kits would be fun to make as a gifts for play groups. They're also good for rainy days or winter break. Below I share how I put my kit together. There's no wrong or right way to do this, make them however you want and get creative!

Plastic milk jug
Hole punch
Rubber band
X-ACTO knife

You can skip these steps if you have a container with a large lid.

The first thing you will need to do is make an opening to fit the craft supplies in. With an exacto knife cut plastic jug (refer to blue dots in picture).

Punch two holes above the jug's flap and attach a button with wire. I placed a piece of tape over the back of the wire (in inside of jug) to prevent little hands from getting scratched.

Next, punch two holes at top of flap. Cut rubber band into one string. Thread through both holes to make a loop. Tie knots on back of flap. Now you have a larger closure for your container. All you need to do now is fill it with craft supplies!

Above are few things I put into the remake kit: squeeze bottle cap (makes a great hinge), fruit pouch caps (good for wheels), pizza table, plastic spool, mesh bag, and sock packaging.

Along with the recyclable items, I recommend adding some tools and supplies for embellishments. Here's a list of a few ideas.

White Glue
Glue Dots
Paint Pens

Craft Supplies
Googly eyes
Pom Poms
Popsicle sticks
Pipe cleaners
Rubber bands

And if you want, here's a label you can put on your kit. Just click on it, right click, copy, paste and print.

When your kit gets low, just add more trash to it.


Deanna said...

What a fantastic idea! I keep a bunch of stuff in a drawer and in the kids craft closet. Mostly tin cans and shoe boxes. I have the perfect container to do this in...I can't ever bear to throw away the Target brand giant cashew containers we get. Would be perfect to use for gifts. I think I may make some over time for each of my kids to save to spring break or to the beach for the inevitable rain storm comes through. :)

tute-bot said...

I adore this idea! I used to make little kits of craft supplies for my nieces and nephews but I never thought of adding stuff from the recycling bin.

Nicole said...

I have a "useful box" that i keep all my craft "trash" in

Linda Wescott said...

great project, thanks for the idea. Hugs lin

Christy said...

your ideas are always so awesome! :)

Usemeplz said...

Great idea and beautiful realization! Thanks for photos, which describe whole process.

Unconventional Mom said...

Great idea especially the label... to keep away my husband from MY SPECIAL TRASH !!!

Anonymous said...

Great idea!!
I keep recyclable items in a large plastic bin, and tell the grandkids it is an INVENTOR'S BOX. When they come to visit they like to dig through and create something.

Yarny Days said...

This is such a great idea! Thanks for sharing...

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