Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Reading List

Who's looking forward to those lazy days of summer?  I know I am.  The first thing on my agenda is reading, lots and lots of reading.   Here are a few of the books on my list:

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly by Jean Dominique Bauby - Just started reading this and I'm hooked.  I'll probably finish it tonight.  The book was written by former French Elle editor, Jean Dominique Bauby.  He suffered a massive stoke leaving him completely paralyzed.  His only way of communication was by blinking one eye and he wrote the entire book this way.

Cinder by Marissa Meyer - A Cinderella story about a cyborg name Cinder. 

The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzzane Collins 

Let's Pretend This Never Happened: (A mostly true memoir) by Jenny Lawson 

The Power of Habit: Why we do what we do in life and business by Charles Duhigg

What's on your reading list this summer?  Have any recommendations?


  1. Oh my gosh, Jessica. This is so unreal! Take a look at the post I just did, I was probably composing it as you posted yours! I'm starting Power of Habit tomorrow. And I suggest you move the Hunger Games Trilogy up to the #1, 2 and 3 slots!

    Since we seem to be on the same wavelength, you might like the last book I read, The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh...

  2. Thanks for the suggestions! I've been looking for books that would engross me body and soul.

    I'm not sure how you feel about Christian novels, but this one called, Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers is REALLY good.

    Link: http://www.amazon.com/Redeeming-Love-Francine-Rivers/dp/1590525132/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1338991722&sr=8-1

  3. I so envy you! My dream is to get back to reading for hours each day...still a dream, though.

  4. Ella Arkhipova,

    Thanks for the suggestion :)

    I still have to find the time to fit all these books in. My plan is to have a quiet time in the house for about an hour and everyone just reads.

  5. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly is touching!

  6. I am loving Peace like a River by Leif Enger, it reminds me a little of To Kill a Mockingbird.

  7. Thanks for the suggestion Kay :)
