Monday, July 30, 2012

Kid Craft: Double-Decker Bus

Any guesses what I made this little double-decker bus out of?  Look close.  It's a candy Tic Tac container!   I found the empty Tic Tac container while cleaning and inspiration hit  > Olympics > London >  Double-decker bus > Tic Tac container > Mini double-decker bus.  Makes perfect sense, right?


Tic Tac container (pictured left) - Peel off all labels and clean with soap and water to get rid of glue residue.

Paint (Red, Black, and White) - I used acrylic painters pens

Painters Tape

1. Take apart the lid and base.  Place tape on box anywhere you want windows or doors.  For inspiration, I recommend an image search for "double-decker buses".  Cover both pieces with red paint and let dry.

2.  Once the red paint is dry, peel away all tape.  If paint leaks through tape, just scrape it off with a toothpick. 

3.  Paint details such as wheels, license plates, etc.

Place lid back on to create a door at the back of the bus.  Now you just need some tiny people to fill it with.  I'm still working on that.  I'm considering paper people or worry people. Maybe I'll just let my kids figure that part out.


  1. So cute! Now, just draw faces on the Tic Tacs and you're good to go! :0)

  2. What an adorable idea!! I'm going to buy a pack of tic tacs tomorrow!!

  3. This is genius! We don't eat tictac here, but I will buy a box just for the occasion!

  4. So,so brilliant and timely -perfect for the London games!

  5. You are amazing! I love tic tac containers but never, ever thought of painting one.

  6. That is awesome!!! Now I'm off to get Tic Tacs :)

  7. 92eaniesagThat's a very funny idea !

  8. this is too cute Jessica! you did it again.

  9. This is adorable! For people you could use tiny dreams -- they're teeny! Have you seen them before?

  10. so creative! I have no kids so I will try making a double decker by myself :p

  11. So cute! Just posted on Craft Gossip!!

  12. Really nice :D I am going to get a tic tac box now!

  13. That is genius! So imaginative

  14. Amazing! I would never have thought of this. Great way to upcycle something that might otherwise end up in a landfill.
