Sunday, July 22, 2012

Our Last Week of Camp

We wrapped up our last week of Camp Galileo with Celebrate the Golden Gate. You may remember from my last post that I mentioned Camp Galileo has a different theme each week.  This week my daughter learned about bridge engineering and San Francisco Art. 

In science class my daughter got to build her own suspension bridge (pictured above).  She learned about basic bridge construction and coffer dams.  I suspect she now knows more about bridges than many adults.  One night she was telling me about how bridges are built in water.

This week for camp I was able to stop by early and visit the science class.  This picture was taken at the end of the class when campers talked about their accomplishments.  Science teacher Sarah encouraged them to share about a challenge they faced when building their bridge and how they overcame it.  Quite a few kids shared about their experiences.  I also noticed that Sarah emphasized the Galileo mindset when she talked to the kids.

My daughter showing off her cable car with art teacher Alexis.  

Morgan also made a painting inspired by Wayne Thiebaud's work and the cutest Lombard Street collage while learning about artistic perspective.  I was really impressed with all the projects.  If you read my last post, I mentioned we had trouble finding all our artwork last week.  This time all the artwork was neat and organized in one place and even had a little flyer explaining about the pieces.  To the staff: thank you for listening to my suggestion!

One of the strengths of Camp Galileo is their open communication between parents.  I had mentioned in my last post that at the end of the day I would receive a recap specific to my child.  Besides this, each day I was given a handout that detailed the days activities and what to expect the next day.  I really felt in the loop with the flyers and they helped keep me organized for themed days.

Besides individual projects, there's also group projects that the campers participate in.  This functioning bridge was made by different age groups from 1st graders to 5th graders. 

Overall we had anther great week of camp.  My children are already looking forward to attending next year. 

If you're interested in Camp Galileo, there's still time to sign up.  Visit the main site to see what's available in your area.  They also offer extended care from 8-9AM and 3- 6PM.

Camp Galileo provided a free week of camp for both my children.  All opinions and thoughts are solely mine.


  1. I have a friend in San Jose whose big boys are headed off to camp today. When I asked what her youngest was doing, she replied, "Camp Galileo!)"

    I was so happy to know about the camp from your experiences and to show enthusiasm for what his upcoming week will be. Glad it was so positive for your kiddos.

  2. By the way, does your son model? I thin I just saw someone looking like your son.

  3. Camp Galileo sounds fantastic! Every child should have a similar experience to stretch their knowledge and imagination!
