Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Documentary: Jiro Dreams Of Sushi

Trailer: Jiro Dreams of Sushi by David Gelb

I don't usually recommend documentaries but this one is worth sharing about.  Jiro Dreams of Sushi is about a sushi master named Jiro who owns a 3 star Michelin restaurant.  The movie shares about his life, how he got to this level, and about his oldest son who's required to carry on his legacy.

I found the whole documentary fascinating.  One thing that stood out to me was Jiro's dedication to become the best at what he does.  It made me reflect on my own commitment to my craft. It had me asking questions such as, "at what cost am I willing to perfect what I do?".

Have you seen this documentary yet?  Curious to hear your thoughts. 


  1. I really enjoy documentaries and can't wait to add this to my queue. Thanks for the recommendation.

  2. We watched the previews for it the other night and considered it, so I'm glad to hear it was a good one :)

  3. Suzanne & Dot,

    If you get a chance, let me know what you think of the documentary once you watch it.

  4. my husband and I were scouring Rotten Tomatoes for a good documentary. we found this one and watched it... we loved it so much. it's so beautifully shot. we wanted to watch it again right away!

  5. It's on my "to watch" list. Been pretty hard watching anything with our little guy. Can't wait!!! Any tips for a new mama and papa??? ;)

  6. I watched it last weekend, and loved it. It was such a great story.. fascinating!

  7. My whole family is way into docs! Thanks for the recommendation Jessica. I'll add it to our list.

  8. Thanks for posting - i would like to watch this!

  9. I watched this documentary two months ago and loved it. The pure dedication and commitment of these people are amazing. Revealing the art behind sushi, how it is more than just Japanese cuisine, but a discipline, lifestyle, and culture, was amazing to see. I also loved how they slowly tie into overfishing! I'm glad to see other people enjoyed this documentary as well!!

  10. Watched this movie recently and was totally in love with it! I thought that his dedication to his craft was so inspiring! I have to watch it again, so I can jot down notes, but I think what stood out to me is how he still wants to learn... after all these years, that desire to improve is so great - I want to be like that.

    On the flip side, I also want to be there for my kids, so I can't be 100% all about art, but I can still dream of drawing :)

  11. Thanks for the tip! I'm looking forward to watching it.

  12. I really enjoyed this doco too -- I agree with those who say it was wonderfully shot, and I also enjoyed the geeky restaurant reviewer who gets a lot of face time in the movie. I did find the relationship between Jiro and his sons bittersweet, mostly professionally, in that they live in his shadow. Maybe sometimes you gotta know when to quit!

  13. Just watched it tonight... LOVED IT!!! Watched it after the little guy fell asleep!

  14. BoLa,

    Glad you got a chance to watch it while your little one was asleep :) To answer your question in your last comment: the best advice I received after having my first baby was, "Do what's most important first". It sounds so obvious but those words are still helpful to me today.

  15. I just watched this over the weekend and am hoping to do a blog post on it too. I was in awe with how dedicated Jiro is. I swear, after watching this documentary, I will never want to go to an all you can eat sushi place. Just high quality from now on...
