Friday, September 14, 2012

The Simple Things

Have you seen The Simple Things Magazine yet?  It's by the publishers of Mollie Makes and it just came out September 6th.  I'm always inspired by the Mollie Makes magazine and blog so I can't wait to see The Simple Things.  The Simple Things is described as follows, "It's about slowing down, enjoying what you have, making the most of enjoying the company of friends and family and making simple food for simple gatherings".  Sounds pretty good to me. Check it out and tell me what you think.


  1. Sounds like my kinda magazine!!

    btw, how is the house hunting going? :)

  2. I had no idea. I get every issue of Mollie Makes (and coincidentally just preordered the Christmas book today), but must have been under a rock or something. Will definitely investigate this!!

  3. Love Mollie Makes.
    Just ordered The Simple Things digitally. Nice to receive it instantly.

  4. Thanks for the tip!! I hadn't heard of this but I really adore Mollie Makes.

  5. Deanna,

    I sent you an email about your question :)

  6. Jessica,

    So what do you think of the magazine now that you've seen it. Would you recommend it? Curious to hear your thoughts.

  7. interesting site. How I wish I am a full time mother, so that I could spare more time for craft.

  8. I eagerly got a copy of Simple Things the day it came out and was really disappointed. It seemed to have no direction once I opened it... I remember there was an article about Berlin, one about some cheese seller, can't remember what else now. Didn't seem to suit its title and I can't see myself buying it again.
