Thursday, October 25, 2012


1948 - Photo of my Grandfather and Grandmother

Even though my Grandmother Ruth lived across the country, I was very close to her.  I would spend many of my summers in Connecticut with her.  She always dedicated her time to taking care of my brother and I when we visited.  Are days were filled with visiting places like Lake Compounce, Lake Quassapog and Scovill Lake.  In the evenings after dinner she would play games with us such as Skip-Bo and Dummy Rummy.  And she always would have plenty of food for us to eat, like a good grandmother does.  

 Closeup of a blanket my Grandmother crocheted for me. 

My Grandmother was also an avid crafter.  I learned a lot of different crafts from her. In fact, she was the one who taught me how to knit.  What's strange about that is that she didn't care to knit herself.  Instead, she liked to crochet.  I mainly remember her making a lot of afghan blankets. She was also liked to work with plastic canvas.  I even have a few ornaments she made with the medium.  I always liked that we shared these similar hobbies.  It was fun to see what she was making and she liked to hear about what I was creating.

I will always cherish these fond memories of her.

Thank you for all your uplifting words, prayers and condolences.  It was a comfort to read your comments.  



  1. It's hard to lose someone amazing. & I love the granny hexagons- so unique!!

  2. I was close to my grandmother too, she used to crochet blankets. I still miss her now and then, even though she has been gone over 21 years now.

    Sending you hugs. x

  3. Thinking about you Jessica, such a beautiful tribute. The crochet blanket is lovely and so special.

  4. Jessica,
    So sorry to hear about your grandmother. I read about it last week and my thoughts have been with you. Glad you are back safely.

  5. Huge hugs to you... That blanket is beautiful!

  6. So sorry for your loss. I, too, was much closer to my grandma that lived half way across the country and only saw two or three times a year. They sound very similar. She filled my summers with fun adventures, new games and crafty projects. I know you miss your grandma as much as I miss mine.
