Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Knit Wig

You know what feels great?  Checking off an item you have on your Pinterest board as done. I've been wanting to make this wig ever since I saw it on Knitty.  Well, I finally found the time plus reason (Halloween) to knit it.  And now that I've checked it off the to-do list, I'll be moving on to this butterfly costume.  Wish me luck.

For those wondering, the wig is pretty easy to knit.  I would say it's just a little more complicated than a hat.

Are any of you making costumes?   Please share.  You might inspire someone!


  1. My mom made me one of these years ago. It's purple and fun!

  2. JustHeather,

    Purple is my favorite color!

  3. How fun! My littlest would get a kick out of that. :)

  4. Deanna,

    I see you access to the internet again :)

    Both my children had to try it on when I was done. It actually fit my youngest pretty well. She might wear it for crazy hair day.

    If you decide to make one, it's easy to adjust the pattern to make the hair length and bangs shorter.

  5. Love it!! great job, love the colour choice.

  6. That is too cute - you look adorable in it!

  7. this is just cute and creative. I like the pink you chose.

  8. If (like me) you don't know how to knit, you can actually buy these:


    They come in pink, purple, green, and yellow!

  9. Anne,

    Thanks for sharing the link. It looks like the exact same wig!

  10. I love the wig, I wish I could knit.
    I made my little girl a Lalaloopsy wig - so fun and crazy looking.

    I just finished the rest of her costume and my other Daughter's, who's going to be a vampire.

  11. I love it!!! Thanks for visiting my blog.
