Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hearts and Crafts: The People That Make Hermes

I was browsing the Hermes site when I stumbled upon the film Hearts and Crafts: The People That Make Hermes.  The film is by Frédéric Laffont and Isabelle Dupuy-Chavanat which documents some of the artists behind the Hermes products.  In the film, the artists share about there craft and you get to see them in their work environment. 

I realize this is another promotional piece for Hermes but it's well done and quite interesting.  It makes me wish I had just one craft that I was dedicated to.  I feel like I'm all over the place when it comes to creating.  That's always been somewhat of a craft insecurity for me. 

How about you?  Are you strong in one craft genre or do you find yourself trying/doing it all?


  1. I will watch the video in a second but I can relate tremendously to what you said. I am grateful that I can do many things but sometimes I find myself pulled by my creative endeavors. I want to do so many and my crafting time is limited. I'm just not good at parceling out the time so when I'm into one, the others get abandoned. It's a luxury problem, I know.

  2. I've experimented for several years with a variety of fibre and paper crafts. Slowly I'm returning to fibre, which is my first love. I think there comes a time to do a few things well rather than to experiment with everything.

  3. Sharon,

    You forgot to mention you're a writer! I was browsing your blogs and noticed that's obviously a talent that you've been perfecting.

    P.S. I would love to see more of your art work. I only found a couple pieces on your site.

  4. I will definitely check that out. It's easy to just buy things and not think about the story of how they were created and all of the people and processes involved. Thanks for sharing.

    I'm all over the map with crafting but I like it that way. I think I'd get bored if I specialized. I don't like making the same thing twice :).
