Make the kid's (or adult's) Christmas table fun with Lego place cards. Either use what you have or buy new ones for the kids to take home as favors. All you need to do is place a Lego person on a Lego block so it will stay up. The hands of the Lego will keep the card in place, no need for glue. May the crafty force be with you.
How cute! Merry Christmas :)
how adorable! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
thank you, Merry Christmas to you as well :)
This is awesome! I'm totally submitting this entry to Boing Boing. :)
thanks amy!
I've never visited the boing boing site so I checked it out, great site
hehehe...way too cute!
I passed this along to Neatorama and they put it on the site, linking here!
I love it! What a great idea for a theme party.
amy, thanks for submitting the post to netorama. I visited the link you left. I was also able to visit your site from it. :)
Oh, you mean my Japanese game show site? LOL, thanks. I just realized that my Blogger profile didn't have my main blog's link on it.
It also said I was an accountant from Afghanistan! Ha.
My boys would love this idea.
May the crafty force be with you too.
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