Here's a new idea I came up with, photo bookmarks. That's my husband, Jason who reluctantly posed for the picture. The conversation went something like this. Me, "Jason come over here, I need to take your picture". Jason, "What's this for anyways". Me, "Don't worry, it's just for the blog". Jason,"That's what I was afraid of". But there he is, in all his bookmark glory.
This craft only takes about 10-15 minutes to make. It would look great to make the person climbing into the book as well. I would have taken a picture of this but I didn't want to push my luck. Directions below.
Suppliesmedium weight card stock
clear contact paper or laminate paper
exacto knife

Take a picture of someone doing this pose. Print on medium weight card stock. Cut out the body. Laminate with contact paper or laminate paper. Cut out of laminate paper.

Should now look like this

With the exacto knife, cut where the yellow lines are.
This is a great idea - I love it.
thanks heidi!
Interesting. I really like your blog. The bookmark is really fresh!
I think I must add you to my blogroll as my favourite site.
Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex
thanks Alex
I think that's one of the best compliments a blogger can get
This is such a cool idea! You are such a crafty lady. And kudos to your DH for posing for the photo.
That is a great idea and very funny. It would make me chuckle every time I reached for the book.
I also wanted to thank you for turning me onto Daiso in Union City. I went over there on Thursday evening just as the storm was beginning. My daughter and I went crazy. She got origami paper and stationary. I got felt and fun goodies for the kitchen. Maybe we'll see you there one day. :)
thanks jennifer
isn't Daiso great!
do you have your own site? when I clicked on your blogger profile there's no link
Haha. Your husband is such a good sport!
very clever. props to your husband for posing :)
I haven't started a blog yet, my website gets neglected enough.
Thanks for asking.
Hi Jennifer,
I checked out your etsy site, like the merman and mermaids. Also visited your website, looks great.
What a great idea!
I was browsing through your posts and loved them all, but this is (up until now ;-)) my favourite.
Thanks for sharing!
Is there no end to your creative ideas? I don't know how you keep doing it. ;-)
This is an awesome idea. What dad wouldn't like a picture of their child/children holding his book page? :-D
Fabulous. Just brilliant! Thanks so much for sharing it. :0)
Thank You!
We did do this for Fathers Day and Pop loved them ;-)
Very ingenious! Now I have to get the cat to pose for the camera...
Thanks for sharing such a new idea with us. I hope this idea will useful for the visitors. Keep sharing like this.
Hi there hope you dont mind me translating this to Norwegian and link to your page ofcourse :)
Found this when searching... and we did it, and then linked back to you. :-)
This is smart idea for the smart peoples. Thanx..:)
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