Let me start by saying that I don't usually talk about my everyday life. Because frankly, I don't want to bore you to tears. But today as I was posting a comment, a super-ball bounced off the top of my head. I paused for a second then proceeded to type. I'm not quite sure what this says about my parenting skills or my blogging. Excuse me while I do some reflecting.
Well I think you must have great parenting skills.
What other children have the talent to bounce balls off their Mom's head while she is on the computer? Not many I am sure.
Keep on with the everyday stuff - it's not boring - it's fun.
hahahaha thanks for sharing! so cute...i wish super balls would fly around my house! :)
It probably means that you're quite gifted in the art of multitasking!
Don't spend too much time reflecting! Just keep on writing about your everyday stuff. I quite enjoyed it! Wish there were still super balls flying around my house!
at least it wasn't a satellite fragment. Yet.
this made me laugh! :D don't worry, I won't think bad of you!
SO much like my morning! Except it was a lego, and I had to say for the 10th time this week "No throwing toys!"
Hahaha.. made me laugh :)
That means you're very dedicated to your blog readers :D like some people else said; you don't need to reflect too much. enjoy the balls flying around and your blog
Oh, I think this has happened to all of us. Carry on. (smile).
That is too funny! Adorable picture too :)
I love the picture! Put frizzy hair on it, and it's me.
I've gotten quite good at tuning out kid chaos. I feel like I have the quietest house in the neighborhood--until friends come over and yell, "What's all that racket?!" Huh? What racket? Oh, my kids. :)
I'll like to tag you for a meme, hope you don't mind.
hahaha... Thanks for sharing.
What a cute incident.
Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex
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