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Monday, June 23, 2008

Knit Transformer Washcloth

Transformers are all the buzz at our house right now. We're planning a Transformer Birthday Party for my soon to be 5 year old. In the midst of searching for ideas I found this pattern for a Transformer washcloth here. Tested it out and it looks just like the autobot logo. I can envision the squares used to make a blanket. Just a thought.

*row 25 has a misprint in the pattern, should be:MB4, K3, P5, K5, P1, K2, P3, K2, P1, K5, P5, K3, MB4.


Threeundertwo said...

LOL I have to make that for a little cousin.

Renna said...

Hmm..that would be a great idea for a blanket for a little boy (or girl!). :-)

Anonymous said...

that looks so difficult to make!

Oiyi said...

I made this for Christmas and it was a big hit.

Unknown said...

Sooo cute!! My 7 years old son love transformer, but this is one craft I'll have to skip...cant knit even if my life depended on it :(

...but a great one for sure :D

Anja said...

I have enjoyed visiting your site to look at your creations for a little while now. You are so talented.
I've nominated you for a Blogger Award on my Blog!!

Oh, and your new site is great. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! I know my little guy would love that. I just saw that our cupcakes were made it to the finals in the crafty crow funny food contest. Thanks so much for voting for us!

Anonymous said...

I can't figure out how to find / print out directions! My mom really loves transformers and wants to make this! If you could e-mail them to me that would be awesome! dmbesq@gmail.com
Thanks so much, this looks AWESOME!

Caterina said...

This is phenomenal. The comments made me smile as I realized everyone commented on how much children would love these, but I'm going to make some ASAP for my 32 year old boyfriend and his 27 year old brother, who will absolutely love them. Thanks for the post!

Anonymous said...

I think I would need some getting use to using knitted washcloths but I'll go for the blanket.

Kris said...

Nice one. I made a similar graph myself and used it to make a patch with "illusion knitting" for the front of a sweater for my husband. From straight on it just looks like stripes, but from the side you can see the Autobots face! I call it More than Meets the Eye. The chart's available if you want to have a go at the technique.

Anonymous said...

Did you do this pattern with purl rather than knit? or did you just photo it the other way round? It looks so much better than mine!! Im thinking of unraveling and starting again. Thanks for the misprint correction by the way!

zakkalife said...

I photographed it the other way around. That side looked the best to me.

Celeste said...

Hi! I just wanted to let you know I featured this in my weekly column on Fandomania:

Fandomestic: 10 Transformers Creations

Quirky Bobbins said...

Please excuse me while I do a little shameless self-promotion here, but I thought I'd let you guys know that I designed a companion cloth with the Decepticons logo on it. You can find it here:


Happy Knitting!

LoisLane5518 said...

Is the pattern still posted? I really would like to use this pattern to make a scarf for my friend's son. However, I can't seem to find the pattern anyway.... Thank you!

zakkalife said...


It's still posted but on another site. Click on the word "here" in the sentence "In the midst of searching for ideas I found this pattern for a Transformer washcloth here." on the post.

Zoi said...

Is the pattern still posted?
I clicked that u mean "here"
but there is nothing.
Can u help me ,thank u

zakkalife said...


It looks like that blog has been deleted. Sorry, I don't have the pattern anymore. However,I did find a Decepticon knitting chart on Ravelry:


Zoi said...

That's great, thank you. XD

Zakka Life has moved to a new site!

Click here to visit the new site.