Have you ever noticed how razor cartridge containers look like miniature magazine racks? No? Maybe it's just me. Well, today I tested the idea out on my daughter's dollhouse. Using painter's tape, I adhered a razor cartridge container to the dollhouse wall. Then I printed out some scaled down magazine covers for miniature magazines. Now I'm envisioning a whole doll house made out of recycled items. So many ideas, so little time.
I love it so much!!! I lovev making things like this for my daughters doll house. I just made perfect little towel and a bath mat from one of our big ones that had a tiny graphic print. I might need to go find something to hold the cartridges in my razor right now! I really enjoy the way your mind works!
OH MY GOD! Yr like the most creative gal ever. This makes me freak out with creativity! We must talk about this idea you have! love it! xo
I REALLY wish I could see the potential in things like you do! What a fab idea. And I love the itty bitty magazines to go in your mini magazine rack.
I think disposable coffee creamer cups look like mini waste baskets.
how cute! very clever. : )
It looks so much like a magazine rack in fact, that I wouldn't have ever guessed what it really is!
You are such a smart woman! Too cute.
too cute!! you can of everything and anything under the sun :D
tks for sharing :D
that is AWESOME
Haha! When I first looked at this I thought it was a real magazine rack! Absolutely fantastic! I think I'll be having a go at this later even though I have no children or a dolls house to put it in (it has THAT effect on me)!! :)
Very cute and ingenious! I had no idea what it was until you explained it, it really does look like a mini magazine rack. Family fun has some ideas for doll furniture made from everyday objects. Can't wait to see how they inspire you.
That is such a great idea!
Way cool
Now everyone will have them in the doll houses.
Great idea
This is great! I'm waiting until my kids are a little bigger before I trick out their doll house with stuff like this... that has been my plan since I was about 6! I used to make stuff like this all the time when I was little. My favorite was using toothpaste caps as lampshades. If you glue one onto an old game piece (from something like parcheesi) it makes a perfect table lamp. I can't wait to see what you do next!
Genius! That is so cute!
you are a genius. thank you for your clever idea... i just got my daughter a doll house and this will work perfectly. thanks!
I know you are probably sick of hearing me say this by now, but the way your mind work never ceases to amaze me!
What a genius idea!
we make dollhouses' minis too but we don't hv any razor cartridges - what a shame as this really looks good! My daughter would love it!
This is the best recycled craft ever!! Now I just need a doll house to put it in!
You are so wonderfully creative. I love it!
Fabulous idea.
American Girl published a great little book of miniature items crafted from everyday stuff . I think it's called Tiny Treasures. It's right up your alley.
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