After using the FoodWriters for the tattoo cookies, I began to wonder, what else could I use the markers for?
We actually have a rule at our house that if the food isn't labeled with your name, it's fair game.
I could also see this used for dealing with roommates. For all they know, you used a sharpie.

There have been countless times in the process of cooking dinner that I discovered someone ate one of the key ingredients. So as far as I'm concerned, this last idea is practical.
What would you do with edible markers?
I could leave my daughter notes in her lunchbox, without actually using paper?! Brilliant!
Message on the toast. I's nice!
I wonder what I should write.
FAB-U-LOUS. LOVE the last one. I'm with momo fali...I'd love to write Sam notes in his school lunch!
What great ideas! Sweet way to greet the day. The last photo had me laughing.
hahaha...i would use them on cookies and maybe make faces on peas. :)
peas, just like your illustrations, love it
To funny and toast was very cute!
Your so clever lol
hugs ginger
Very cute! I think I would make faces on fruit, or beards on bagels. Maybe even draw lady bugs on basil leaves. The possibilities are endless.
I want to draw a chicken on that chicken leg.
I had no idea these existed...genius! I would write "Don't Touch" on the cookies that are sitting in the pantry, tempting me. I suppose throwing them out would be an option too...
These markers are fabulous!
Imagine the fridge in a college dorm, or shared apartment.
Sometimes kids eat something I was going to use for dinner, could save me some aggravation.
Thanks for sharing.
i must have one!
This? Awesomeness.
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