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Friday, November 7, 2008

Flower Garland Made from Catalogs

On a whim I decided to make something for the Singer/Craft Upcyclist Party Contest. However, I'm pretty sure I have no chance of winning, something sewn is strongly recommended. No sewing was involved in this project. Which begs the question, why did I enter it in the first place? I guess it just sounded like a fun challenge and gave me a good excuse to craft something. Anyhow, if you haven't heard about the contest you should check it out. The deadline is November 14th.

I'll probably post directions for the flower garland next week if people are interested. Just let me know in the comments.

Have a great weekend!


rengawk said...

I'd love a happy fun tutorial, those are really cute! ^^

Misty Bourne said...

These are so adorable! You have to post instructions! ;) What a cute way to spruce up a corner of your house! And I need something to do with all these old magazines and catalogs. :P

Anonymous said...

We would love to see a tutorial for these. Great job!

Heather "Hev" said...

I think you have solved another of my dilemmas for decorating a huge hall!!

Would love the directions (gonna try without them first :gulp: )


Mandi @ Life Your Way said...

I agree – I'd love to see a tutorial on these!

Unknown said...

Please, please, please post a tutorial! They are beautiful, and I have a ton of magazines I need a use for:)

beckie said...

A tutorial would be simply wonderful! These are fantastic and I've got a huge stack of catalogs and magazines that need transformation :)

Liz said...

I love to have the directions too! I think my son would love to sort the strips to help make one.

Candice DeVille said...

These are great! I'm looking for new ideas to make my own xmas decorations with Miss 4 this year and these are perfect.

Marie {Make and Takes} said...

Love this. So cute!

Camilla said...

These look great- i'm looking forward to a tutorial!

Kristin said...

oh yes please, those are really great!

Tara said...

Iwould so appreciate a tutorial... I think I might actually be able to do this project! I'm rather craft challenged :)

Ayie said...


Anonymous said...

These are fantastic!! Can't wait for the tutorial!

Lydia Fiedler said...

I would love a tutorial! :)

LindaSonia said...

I would love to see a tutorial. I sure get enough catalogs!! LOL LindaSonia

The Giggles Family said...

I would love to see a tutorial! These look so neat!

JindraS said...

This is so great. I'd love to see a tutorial on this. It's a great way to recycle!

Kristin - The Goat said...

I came over from Folding Trees - You were featured there -- I love these! I'm going to try to make them on my own this weekend, but I will be more than happy to see the tutorial!

Little Red said...

These are so sweet!! I have a place in my apartment where these would look perfect. I'll get in line for a tutorial! <3

Anonymous said...

They are so cute. I would love to see a tutorial. I have an idea, but yours look quite sturdy. My guess is mine would fall apart. They are Wonderful!

Anonymous said...

these are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

These look very interesting. I gravitate to any kind of paper craft and would enjoy reading a tutorial on this technique.

Leacayoungart said...

cute idea.

Cami said...

These are beautiful! You never cease to amaze me with your creative ideas! I'll chime in with everyone else and say "yes!", I'd love to see a tutorial ;)

Anonymous said...

Yes, please post a how-to: I'm thinking different colours for the holidays!

Anonymous said...

These are fabulous! I too would love to know how. Good wwork!

Sacha B (she/her) said...

I would love to see a tutorial!

plugalong said...

Neat! I would love to see a tutorial!

World Wide Alternative said...

Oh my! I'll definatly be trying out that one...THANKS! XXxx

Dayeseye said...

heck yes!!!!

Chase Clark said...

I saw this over on Whipup and I absolutely can't wait to make one!

Anonymous said...

I would love to learn how to make these. Very cute..

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