A while back I entered a contest on how to upcycle prescription bottles. The idea I submitted was a key hider. It's a simple project with a very practical purpose. Directions below.
To make the key hider just glue a rock to a prescription bottle. I recommend using e6000 glue because it's strong and water resistant. Now just follow the rest of the directions below.
We once locked ourselves outside and had to break open the window to get the keys, so this is definitely a good idea...only hope I can remember which rock..:D
Great idea, though I have no worries about getting into the house as my house owner always at home, my rented room spare key's is still hiding behind my clock in the bathroom.
I totally need this! Especially after recent experiences where I left my keys at work and since I don't have keys to the office yet, I had to traipse all over town to get my work mate's keys. This would've saved me a lot of time :)
I stumbled and found your blog. It is extremely cute and fun! :) My husband was an exchange student in japan for a year of college, and I cant wait to make him some fun stuff that will remind him of his trip! Thanks! <333
What a great idea! I (unfortunately) go through 6 prescription bottles every month and every time I throw one out I say to myself "I wish I could think of some way to reuse these". Everyone I know will be getting these in their stockings at Christmas!!!
Be careful! if you've ever seen "It takes a Thief". . . or are a thief, you know rocks, (esp. those that you buy from stores) are one of the first places you look for a hidden key. Maybe a better idea would be to glue the bottle to an evergreen tree or other native plant (fake?) that wouldn't look as suspicious instead.
Great idea!
Haha.. This is so cool :) Here's a great way to hide your keys especially when you lock yourself out of the house :)
omg, so clever. thanks!
THAT is a cool idea.
Cool idea. We actually have a rock that has a niche cut INSIDE it for a key :)
Brilliant, and easy, so I might even do it!
i used to be a "latch key kid" and this idea is fantasctic!
What a fantastic and practical idea! I appreciate all of the ideas on your blog and am happy to have found your space online :)
Seriously? GENIUS!
That's marvellous. Clever you! :)
We once locked ourselves outside and had to break open the window to get the keys, so this is definitely a good idea...only hope I can remember which rock..:D
Depending on your yard, could maybe use a large pine cone instead of a rock.
Wow that is a great idea!
love this. I stumbled it!, it is so great.
Great idea, though I have no worries about getting into the house as my house owner always at home, my rented room spare key's is still hiding behind my clock in the bathroom.
terrific idea! and the e6000 is my favorite super adhesive!
Decent idea, but if you're Canadian you'll need to know where to bury in the snow to get at the rock :)
Clever! Much better than the magnetic key keeper for under the car (think it was a 70s thing).
wow that is such a great idea!
I totally need this! Especially after recent experiences where I left my keys at work and since I don't have keys to the office yet, I had to traipse all over town to get my work mate's keys. This would've saved me a lot of time :)
I stumbled and found your blog. It is extremely cute and fun! :) My husband was an exchange student in japan for a year of college, and I cant wait to make him some fun stuff that will remind him of his trip! Thanks! <333
Great, until some ants decide to live under the rock
wow, brilliant idea!
What a fantastic idea! Love it.
Plus you can hide some pills in it too!
Great idea! I used this tip to rob people's homes!
It's -20 outside with 2 meters of snow. I just discovered I forgot my keys at the office downtown....I REALLY NEED TO GET INTO THE HOUSE!
still, a really cool idea :-))
Can all of you, who is going to do this, leave your address as well, so I can come and steal your things?! ;)
can you please give dad one for his upcoming birthday? he's always losing his house keys...or they're getting stuck in the lock.
Saw this post a long time ago and always wanted to post it to my blog. Finally did! Thanks for the great idea. Reusing.blogspot.com
looks like a geocaching container.
Very clever! I've been looking at hardware stores/HD for a rock hideaway key thing, but no one has them. I'll just make my own!
great idea! I always lock myself out of my apartment and I have to break in and it really scares my dog, I'm definitely going to make this!
What a great idea! I (unfortunately) go through 6 prescription bottles every month and every time I throw one out I say to myself "I wish I could think of some way to reuse these". Everyone I know will be getting these in their stockings at Christmas!!!
Be careful! if you've ever seen "It takes a Thief". . . or are a thief, you know rocks, (esp. those that you buy from stores) are one of the first places you look for a hidden key. Maybe a better idea would be to glue the bottle to an evergreen tree or other native plant (fake?) that wouldn't look as suspicious instead.
Helpful idea. I also like the ideas of using a pine cone and fake plant too.
Use many rocks in the planter that all look alike so it would not be noticeable. No worries.
LOVE this! On my Spring Break to do list! Shared it here
Paint the bottle brown, so it blends in with the dirt
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