Directions below to make your very own princess wand.

Cream and Pink felt - wool felt works best
Poly Fil
One button
Wooden dowel - make sure its not too flimsy. You'll want something will hold up well and can't be broken easily.
Embroidery thread - cream and pink
Hot Glue

Cut out two large stars in the cream felt and one small star in the pink felt.

Click on the image for a larger view.
* Optional - you can glue a wooden bead to the bottom of the wand to make it more child safe.
* If you don't like the wood showing, you can wind/glue ribbon around the handle of the wand.
* If you don't like the wood showing, you can wind/glue ribbon around the handle of the wand.

Super cute! Thanks so much for sharing this tutorial! This is something I can't wait to make, even though I have boys! I plan to make one for myself! Have a great night!
-Ruth Ann
Awww...best mom ever! You must be so much fun. I love this, I'll be linking.
Thanks for the great tutorial - my daughters will love this!
This is so cute, and my little Valentine princess will love getting one next month. Thanks for the directions and templates!
This is adorable and I think my princess (and my prince!) need this.
~ Sarah
I can't tell you how perfect your timing is for posting this project! It was just the thing that I had in mind for my daughter's 6th Birthday party next weekend, and as I was about to start hunting down detailed instructions, I check my inbox and there it is, just what I need! I love when that happens! Thanks so much.
Awesome! Think I could make some of these for children in church. Thanks for sharing, as always :))
LOVE this tute! I just posted a link to your post on my blog. I hope it brings you a few extra visitors.
These are really cute - I make wands like this for my daughter and nieces, but I decorate them with beads, too. They love them, and they are so easy to wip up as last-minute birthday gifts!
that's one sweet item! i have no kids yet, but am seriously considering making one for myself!
thanks for the tutorial!
I just made my first wand and will be making more. This is such a cute project!
~ Sarah
can she please prance down the aisle for the recessional with that? evan can wear his darth vader helmet (which i have yet to buy) and morgan can wear her butterfly wings with this nice wand you created. =o)
Very adorable :)
Every one needs a wand. Thought these were so cute ,Thank you so very much for the tutorial.
hugs ginger
How cute! This one is getting filed so that this summer, when DD says "I'm bored" I can pull it out and she will have an easy and fun project to work on! Thanks so much!
So cut, I loved it! I am sure that my little girl will like it too, I will try!
It's adorable ... thanks for sharing the tutorial.
Thank you so much for the great tutorial. This project turns out awesome. My daughter is going to love it. I put a picture of the one I made, and a link to your tutorial on my blog today. Thanks again!
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