Today I cut off over 10 inches of hair. I can be kind of impulsive like that. I get an idea in my head and then I'm quick to act on it. Now before you get concerned, no, I'm not going to make anything out of the hair. I'm not going to pull a
Chris March. I kept the hair because I decided to donate it to
Locks of Love. It just so happened that my hair met all the qualifications. Love when things work out like that.
Other changes I've made include the blog. You may have noticed that I changed the buttons over the weekend. I'm also compiling all the tutorials I've created on one page. That's still a work in progress.
That's all. I just felt like sharing today.

Here's a picture of the new hair cut since everyone has been asking about it. Sorry the picture is so bad but it was the best I could do in a hurry. I'm still looking for a picture of me with long hair. So far every picture I've come across, I'm sporting a ponytail. Which honestly is part of the reason why I cut my hair.
Your hair is beautiful. Locks of Love is great thing to do with it too!!
My youngest daughter thought your hair was a bug, LOL.
I think the donation is a wonderful thing. My SIL does it too...and one of my son's teachers did it. I hope you like your new hair 'style!'
Do we get a before and after
photo of the difference?
I have been thinking of doing
the samething for the longest
time...my hair is to my knees.
It is a big desion.
Thanks for sharing.
Jnette - LOL, that would be one scary bug
Yarni Gras - Yes, I like my new hairstyle very much! Although, I might change my mind tomorrow when I have to style it on my own.
Rane - I knew someone was going to ask this (before & after pic). I tried taking a picture of myself but they all came out terrible. If I have a decent picture taken, I'll post here.
I can hardly wait to see a picture of you with your new 'do'! That's fantastic that you were able to donate your hair to Locks of Love. I have a good friend who did that a couple of years ago.
That's nice you are giving your hair to Locks of Love. Do we get to see the new haircut?
Wow..that's a lot of hair cut, but congrats for doing it, am sure your new look will be amazing..and that charity part is so kind of you :D
big chance! I hope you like your new look!
That is awesome! I have been donating for the last 10 years. I have given over 5 feet of hair!
Have fun with your new hairstyle!
And thank you for giving to such a great cause!
Exciting change and for a great cause too.
Do you get surprised by your own new short hair reflection?
wow! I'd love to see what you looked like before and now... :)
What I want to know, is what does your hair look like now?
change change change!!!
Can't wait to see the new look!
Wow! Allan and I were just talking about that yesterday. I even had him measure how much hair I can give without my hair being too short. I'm going to give 12" and my hair will still hit mid back.
I love hair cuts. They make you feel a lot lighter.
Locks of Love - what a beautiful thing to do!
i've been considering cutting my hair as well. usually i just go for it and it's no big thing, but this time around i'm having a harder time deciding.
new cut looks great!
I think that it looks great!
And just think how nice it
will be this summer! Your
neck can breath!!!!
Thank you for sharing, and dont
be so hard on yourself! Your photo
is good. We are our own worst
Your haircut looks great and really compliments you :)
You still look pretty with that short hair! I love you locks though.
You look so cute! And what a great cause
Wow...you look beautiful!!! I love the haircut. :)
hello gorgeous!!! Well- donating and gettin g to look so hot rocks! I love it!
Your cut is gorgeous!!
Adorable hair cut. It is great to donate hair - I did it once and felt really good about it.
Your hair looks good in a bob.Your an inspiration for those of us who haven't yet grown or cut our hair for cancer.
What a great idea donating your hair instead of it ending up in the bin. Have fun with the new hair style:)
I’m so glad that you were able to meet the qualifications for Locks of Love. That is so cool! My daughter met most all the qualifications—except her hair had been color treated (dyed). Locks of Love doesn’t accept it then. After we threw the hair away we found out that Pantene (at least I think it was Pantene) does accept it and makes wigs for children from it—accepting shorter lengths as well. ~Shelly~
love the new hair cut!!!
Sassy and cute, plus for a good cause, congratulations!
loving your new hair style!! I wish I had the courage to snip mines!! You go girl
LOVE the new hair, so stylish!
So CUTE! I admire your bravery for doing this...my hair is quite long and I've never cut it above my shoulders!
looks great and it's a great cause. I did it a year ago and it made me feel so good.
oh! love the hair cut short....very cute on you :-)
i recently snipped my hair as well.
wasn't long enough for a donation, but i do feel entirely different!
i forgot how much courage it takes to hack it all off!
the short 'do looks soooo good on you! i want to cut my hair too, i'm tired of picking up long strands scattered on the floor. ^-^
I love your new haircut!
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