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Sunday, May 10, 2009

How To Make Paper Lanterns

The inspiration for these paper lanterns came from the lanterns I saw on Bloesem. I liked the unexpected print and began to wonder what else would look good. That's how I came up with using doilies for paper lanterns. I could picture these hanging in trees all lit up on a summer's night. Perhaps for a wedding, a party, or just because. Directions below.

Square or rectangle doily - The size of the doily I used is 10" by 14.5" (placemat size). I purchased mine at the party supply store. Sometimes I see them at the dollar store as well.
Double stick tape or glue

This is what the doily looks like starting out. Optional, you could sponge them with water color for extra color.

Cut the sides off.

Fold in half. Cut slices just before the doily part starts. The slices are about an inch in width. You can click on the image to get a better view.

Unfold after cutting. Roll into a cylinder. Glue or tape shut. I tried both ways and I preferred using glue. Done.

If you plan on having the lanterns on the ground, I recommend using a tall glass vase to hold the candle. The doily is a little flimsy so the tall vase supports it well. You might even want to use glue dots to adhere part of the lantern to the vase. You can find glue dots at the craft store. I found the vase at Target ($1.50). I used an electric tea light which I purchased at the dollar store (2 for a $1). I recommend using these because it's easy to drop into a tall vase and you don't have to worry about a fire if one tips over.

If you want the lanterns lighted while hanging, place them over icicle Christmas lights.


Violet LeBeaux said...

Aww those are so sweet! I just love how delicate they are. They would be perfect to decorate the house with for a tea party. You always have the most creative ideas!

Anji Gallanos said...

Those are really sweet. You are right they would be perfect for a summer party or wedding. I love the pictures you took.

permanentcloud said...

these are adorable

Anto's Creations said...

Wow...it's amazing. You have a lot of creativity. I like it.
Bye. Anto.

Olivia said...

Very pretty idea for a garden party! Thanks for posting it!

Ayie said...

Very pretty lantern, so creative of you!

Vone said...

Cute idea - I can see making these with my girls

Stephanie said...

So cute! I love the ambiance that paper lanterns give to a night outside.

Christy said...

How pretty this is! I love it!

Mona said...

Oh, this was a cute idea. We're just having a birthday garden party for my girl, and they would love to smother lanterns like this all over the garden. Thank you for the inspiration!

Loralynn said...

You come up with the cutest ideas! My Daughter has a canopy bed with just curtains haning from the corners and I can totally see these haning from the empty spaces! Another great summer project to do with her! I think I'll let her do some sponge painting on the doileys first and then we'll make the lanterns! Thanks!

Ashlee said...

SO pretty! I can't wait to try this!

Anonymous said...

Hi, haven't commented here before (btw, I love the site!), but this is quite a cute idea, and you can probably save the ends for a bit of further crafting ;).

zakkalife said...


thank you for stopping by and commenting

I was thinking the same thing, that the lace ends could be used for something. Maybe embellishing wrapped gifts?

myDIYweddingday said...

Such a great project! We linked to it on our blog -- http://mydiyweddingday.com/. Thanks so much!!

homemaker said...

This is so beautiful! Hope you'll share more of your decorative ideas specially like this one. Thanks

Valerie said...

These are really cute and simple to make. We have a box full of paper place mats that I've been wondering what to do with...

Unknown said...

wow that is so good i love it! lopve yah!

Unknown said...

Has anyone made these yet? They're beautiful, and I'd love to see more pictures. Thanks for the idea. :)

Anonymous said...

They are sooo lovely!!! :) As an Indian , I make such lamps for a festival called as "Deepavali" or the festival of lights! :)

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