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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mushroom Clothespins Giveaway

If you read this blog, you know that I like to shop at Daiso. Often in the comments I read that many of you wish you had a Daiso close by. So, to bring a little Daiso your way, I purchased these cute mini mushroom clothespins to giveaway to one lucky winner.

How to enter

Leave a comment at the bottom of this post no later than Monday, September 27th, 2009. One entry per person. Please leave your email address in the comments if it's not linked to your profile. The email address is only used to notify the winner, I do not save the addresses. I'll choose one winner at random and post their name Tuesday. Contest open to everyone. Good Luck!

This contest is now closed.


Caro said...

Oh, I would love to be the lucky winner of this cute little Mushrooms. Thank you very much for offering this giveaway!

Greetings from Caroline

Sewmancer said...

Oh, yes please!

EllenQ said...

These are so adorable!!! I love it when utilitarian items are made cute. Why can't all of life's little necessities be so sweet!

Jennifer said...

I had never heard of Daiso. Now I have searched it on line and MUST go to one. These are the cutest clothes pins and would make the perfect craft to display my daughters artwork hanging from some ribbon.

Serif said...

So adorable! They'd look so great next to the flower and ladybug clothespins on my wall!

Anonymous said...

How generous!! Thank you so much!!


chloejessica said...

AW I love mushrooms! These adorable clothes pins are so cool! I never heard of Daiso and would love to shop there! Thanks for the sweet contest! :)

Anonymous said...

Those are beyond cute!

nz green buttons said...

wow, they are so cute!

mommymae said...

i think these are the most adorable clothespins ever!!

Anonymous said...

ooh, so cute! I'd love to win these!

g u s a n d s a m @ g m a i l . c o m

(take out the spaces)

nicole said...

So cute! I do wish I had a Daiso by me~

Sarah Carrico said...

daisuki yoooooooo

medina family said...

I'm new to your blog but I love it! Thanks for the giveaway!

enikő said...

They're lovely! I'll try. :)

J. Christina Huh said...

These are so adorable!!!

Kama said...

Very cute! :)

Sara*P said...

Those are so cute! Thanks for the chance to win!

Little Ol' Liz said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

So cute! Thanks for the giveaway! I'm sooo envious of all the cute things you find at Daiso!!!

Dawn in OKC said...

Loving the mushrooms! Thank you for the chance to win this giveaway.

Katie said...

Aw, those are so cute! Thank you for the oppotunity to win them!


apricot said...

Love those mushrooms!

bethany actually said...

Cute clothespins! Please enter me. :-)

Bonney said...

Cute! Please enter my name!

IF Stjernen said...

Oh they are so cute!

hana.k said...

Little clothespins are on my wishlist right now, it would be great to win these! so cute :D

barbara said...

so cute!
i never actually win anything, but a girl can dream.

Unknown said...

Ooh! Pick me!!

Heather said...

Darling clothespins! Thanks for the chance to win!

Joyful Abode said...

Wow, those are so cute! Would love them for my preschool.

Pigs Do Fly said...

Oh, to have a Daiso!

luff, swagger said...

gahhh the things i would use these for! so adorable.


Unknown said...

Very cute! They would go perfect with my growing gnome collection. :)

Robin said...

Super cute clothespins! I looked up Daiso and found there are several about 45 minutes away from me. I'll have to remember to look them up when I travel nearby!

Drea said...

These are adorable!

Hayley said...

So freakin adorable! Cheers!

Grace Wong said...

omg, those are adorable!!!


Melissa said...

Holy crap those are cute!

*~kAy~* said...

That is too cute to pass up! <3

email: kay_z7@hotmail.com

littlemissellie said...


Mary said...

love the little wooden cuteness. I'm like a gazillion miles from a Daiso.

Jennifer said...

These are adorable!


Mama Ruck said...

Oh my gosh, those are so cute! Now I know why you love Daiso. And now I wish I lived near Daiso too!

Anja said...

Lovely. Pefrect for keeping autumn notes on the string in our dinning room.

Alexis said...

So cute! I'm obsessed with mushrooms lately--especially the red ones with white dots.

Unknown said...

I would very much love these mushrooms. I just lost a friend who used to spend hours picking mushrooms and hunting them in the forest. She was a beautiful woman. Mushrooms were a big part of Linda... so they will always be very special to me. RIP Linda Rizzardi

Unknown said...

Mmmmmm, fungi!

kdteacher said...

Just found your blog on The Mother Load and have added you to my favorites list. These mushroom pins would look great in my classroom, too!

Samantha at kdteacher@aol.com

Down in the Sun said...

I would love those pins! My husband says they look like Super Mario Brothers mushrooms. My kids would love to see their school work hanging with those!

I just found your blog and to say I am obsessed is a complete understatement!

dymphna said...

too cute hope i win
deefna at gmail dot com

Molly & Bea & T., Tra-Lee said...

These are so adorable and I would love them.

Ilissa said...

These are super cute. I'd love to be included in your giveaway!

Sally said...

How cute are those?
Thanks for the giveaway.

au said...

Oh, how cute!!! I love these - we use mini ones like these in our homeschool to hang up artwork:)

Rachel said...

awesome, i would love to win that!!!

ejricca@aol.com said...

Everyone needs mushroom clothespins! Holy Cute!

Charlotte said...

Cute! I'd love to share these with my daughter!

Rose said...

Those are ADORABLE! Please pick me! :)

guurrrl said...

pick me pick me :) Those are super cute! I wish I had a Daiso to shop in! :)

Christina Joy said...

Super cute! I love them...even if I don't love "real" mushrooms! Very Super Mario Bros.!

Mama Rose said...

Oh my, those are just the cutest!! We are quite the toadstool lover's in our home. These would be so cute to hang dolly clothes :D Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Jolanda said...

They are adorable!

meg said...

put my name in the hat!!

Christy クリスティ said...

I love mushrooms and I love Daiso!! Thanks for offering this giveaway!!

b.q. said...

Kawaii giveaway! I can see my adorable grandkids little art projects hanging happily from those tiny mushroom clothespins. We do enjoy your blog. Happy Autumn from So.Cal!

Melissa said...

Would love to use those to hang up my kids artwork!

Anne said...

Three words! Cute...cute...cute!!!

Caroline @ Rugrats + Royalty said...

Thank you for being so generous! The little mushrooms are adorable & I'd love to win them!


Anonymous said...

Ohhh... Daiso... heard of them... never seen them...
I would love to have this, they are just so cute.
Thanks for the giveaway!
And congrats on your blog I´m a follower and big fan

Southerner said...

How cute!

Stephanie said...

These are so cute!!

Fanie.ca said...

I'm new to your blog, so I've never heard of Daiso either. But it looks like a very cool place! :-)

Thank you for the contest! Cheers.

Karen said...

SQUEEE! Put me in the hat! kjmbaker@gmail.com

Lavina Dee said...

The little mushrooms are beyond cute!

Jess said...

Those are adorable!

Shelby Rice said...

i love the mushroom clips! so so cute!

Mel said...

How cute! Thanks for sharing. :)

Linnie said...

*sigh* I really do wish the East Coast had a Daiso...such cheap and cute stuff.

Mushrooms are probably one of the top ten (TOP FIVE!) cutest things ever.

Diana said...

So very adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

These are too cute (obviously)! The only way to make them cuter is to put a little magnet on the back and you have an instant fridge clip for your shopping list :)


Bean said...

oh, how cute!! pick me, pick me!! <3

ringmaster said...

me me me......pick me please!!!

Unknown said...

Those are so, so cute!

Corinnea said...

Cute and fun!

nancy said...

How cute! Wish I had a Daiso by me.

nihal said...

How cute! I would love to have them! gelindamatvs at gmail

Pamela {enemenemeins} said...

How sweet! I would love to be the lucky one!

Greetings from Pamela

Anonymous said...

I've found out your blog recently and immediately added it to my feed reader. I love Japan, zakka and 100 yen shops like Daiso. Such a pity we don't have such in Italy :(
These clothespins are so cute!

Unknown said...

How cute. I saw something like these as a child but havent seen them in a long time. I would love this.

babalisme said...

It's sooooo cute!!! I think it's even cuter when they made the packaging looks like a supermarket bento box or other food container. swoon.

Anonymous said...

the clothpins are soooo cute.

Wibke from Hamburg

inoriz said...

Aww! So cute! Me please!
inoriz88 (at) gmail (dot) com

greta said...

goodness those are CUTE! I'd love to be the winner ;)

chatdumpgirl said...

Daiso... come to a town near me, please!!!

Krie said...

So sweet of you to have this giveaway! I started following your blog a little over a year ago and love all your sweet little projects. Thanks for all the inspiration! Greetings from Germany :)!

Unknown said...

Ohhh i don't know if Spain is too far!!! anyway, here my comment!!

Einfach{gut} said...

These are so, so cute! Thanks for offering this chance for everybody!
I love to visit your blog.

Greetings from Germany, Sina

Lauren said...

Adorable! I hope Daiso expands to a NYC location.

SarahBeth said...

So cute! My granddaughter would love them (some of them -- she'd have to share with me!)

Thanks for the giveaway chance!

Loralynn said...

These are so darling! My Daughter and I would be SOOO fighting over them if I win!!!

Shippymolkfred said...

They are really cute. I would love to be the winner. Thanks for the opportunity.

Greetings from Scotland

Unknown said...

these are so cute! i would love to have them - what a great giveaway... thanks!!!

Awesome Andrew said...

i would LOVE the chance to win these cute and fun clothes pins! i've got just the spot for them in my daughters room to hang her art work! TOTALLY STELLAR!


April Lee said...

I would love to win these for my friend Katety who loves Mushrooms and has done some very sweet things for me lately and I would like to repay her by giving her these awesome clothespins!!!! Very sweet of you to give them away!!!

Ashley Ann said...

Those are so cute!

Jingle said...

Oh. My. Cuteness! These are so amazingly fabulous! I love them!

Rachel said...

So cute!

Michele T said...

These clothes pins are special - thank you for offering this giveaway!

peggy said...

These are adorable. I would love to gift them to my darling niece and nephews.
Thank you for posting your blog. I enjoy reading of your creative, yet extremely easy-to-do (even for a klutz like myself!) crafts. Many of the ideas are also kid-oriented, which are perfect for delighting the little ones.

Anonymous said...

so cute! thanks for the chance -Sara


Jen said...

Those are so cute!

BoogaJ said...

How cute! I'm one of those people who long to shop at Daiso. I wish they would build one in Chicago!

Hodgepodge said...

Oh, but for a Daiso of my own...


Howdy from Austin,


Hodgepodge said...

Oh, but for a Daiso of my own...


Howdy from Austin,


Jules@MoonCatFarms said...

I would love these adorable little pins. Thank you so much for entering me in your drawing!

Misslissa said...

Super cute!

Carrie said...

Too cute! Mushrooms (and hedgies) are my faves.

KansasCityGypsy said...

Thank you for this opportunity.

Renee Unplugged - said...

Those are too cute! I'd LOVE to use them on my air-powered-eco-clothes drier!!!

cloudsnapper said...

My friend just got a new house and she would love these! My email's o0ojessio0o@gmail.com

Emma @ emmanemhandmade said...

This is so sweet! I love it.

Blue Skies & Dragonflies said...

b.e.a.utiful! we are a mushroom loving clan & those are simply delicious!

our boys would have a fit over them! :)



J and M Manire said...

How cute is that?!

Sunnymommie said...



Oiyi said...

What a great giveaway! I have often wished there was a Daiso near me, too.

langlangcreations said...

Oooh! I love mushrooms. I can use these to hang pictures along a line in my kids room. So perfect! Thanks for the giveaway.


Ayie said...

so cute! i finally saw a daiso but not too near our place. It was accidental in one mall where we ate last sat for dinner =)

i think i missed the date already to join =(

Adaiha said...

These are the cutest!

Unknown said...

These are adorable.
jswandrn @ gmial.com

Pat said...

love this!

Anonymous said...

These are soo-o cute it hurts!

Bea said...

Oh, so cute. These would be perfect for some fall crafting. Thank you for your generousity.

Addie said...


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