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Sunday, September 20, 2009

What I'm Knitting

My Sister in Law just had her first baby so I knit up this hat/baby booties set for her. Baby hats and booties are one of my favorite things to knit. They're easy to make and require little time commitment (my favorite kind of projects).

The pattern I used for the baby booties is from the book "Knitting Pretty" by Kris Percival. It's one of my favorite patterns.

As for the hat, I used this pattern omitting the eyelets. I thought it needed a little something extra so I added some curly ribbon on top.

My daughter knew I was making something for the baby so she wanted to make something for the baby as well. I suggested she make a card. That's a picture of the card with her trademark "smiley face" which always has a giant belly button underneath the mouth. Cracks me up every time.

Last, I wrapped the gift and used one of Amy Karol's gift tags. Now, if she would just make one that read " I spent all my extra time making this so if you don't like it let me know, I'll buy you something instead". Tell me I'm not the only one that feels this way?


Lori said...

How cute! I love the pink and green! I need to get that book so I can make a set for my granddaughter.

FoundProdigalDaughter said...

those are too cute! now I wish I knew how to knit so I could make some for a baby.

MommaMari said...

beautiful set and adorable card from your daughter. That tag is cracking me up. How about, "I made this but that doesn't mean you can give me tips on how to improve it for next time. Seriously."

*~kAy~* said...

how cute! <3 matching hat and booties! <3
haha.. i love the card :P i didn't know that was a belly button! :P very awesome signature smiley face! <3

haha.. that's a good one! :P maybe you should make a tag that says just that! :P

Unknown said...

jessica, that is adorable! have you met ai yet? danny and i are hoping to visit them sometime this week. i like how mi-chan wanted to make something for her cousin, too. =o)

SomedaysSarah said...

"I spent all my extra time making this so if you don't like it let me know, I'll buy you something instead". --> PERFECT!

I made a scarf for a friend who was so impressed she told me I could sell it - then she boggled at how much I'd have to sell it for to break even with the yarn and make about half minimum wage for my knitting time!

Anonymous said...

sooo cuute ^_^

Christy said...

too cute! i love the pink and green combo jessica!

Sewmancer said...

"I spent all my extra time making this so if you don't like it let me know, I'll buy you something instead."
I'm so glad other people feel this way too! Those tags would be great. I've been making a few baby toys recently and worry that it just looks like I'm cheap.

Violet LeBeaux said...

That is an adorable set :) I love the idea of the little cards! Mine might say "I spent a bunch of time and effort making this for you, so if you don't like it... too bad". I love the idea of Marielle's card too XD

Steph said...

Awwww they are soooo cute! I've just finished knitting a pair of blue booties for a friend who's just about to burst! Aren't they lovely!

Metropolitan Housewife said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous GORGEOUS! And for the record, your gift tag idea is absolutely PERFECT. I think I'll be including one verbatim with every hand-knitted gift I make from here on out!

Alexander said...

That's a very interesting set. Nice colours and very cute.

Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex

Silver Sisters said...

I so want that gift tag, though I don't know I'd ever actually use it because I'm sure some of the people I know really would rather something from the discount store instead.

You do have to be very detached when you make something as a gift. The recipient has the right to do whatever they like with it, regardless of the number of hours I put into making it.

Amber M. said...

That tag is hilarious.

I have only basic knitting skills, so I am coveting your booties and cap. And the baby to go with them:-).

Ayie said...

i a;ways love receiving hand made or personal made items, it gives so much sentimental value. you said those are the eaiest knit projects for you but seems hard for me =( I don't know but of all crafts I never learned how to knit though i was shown how to. The booties and beanie are so cute and perfect colors. I wonder if I'm really having a boy, i was just told last wednesday.

happy monday to you! that's a very dear gift =)

Kiyi Kiyi said...

Oooo those are so pretty!
I love pink and green together.
My 86 y/o grandma knits baby bonnets and booties with raised flowers and leaves in the pattern.
She gives them away to everyone, but I wish people knew/appreciated how much effort she puts into them!

angela said...

adorable! I think I need to learn how to knit! I love the giant bellly button...too cute:o)

Hänni said...

What a lucky baby! The pink and green combo screams Strawberry Shortcake which I loved very much when I myself was a wee one.

Oiyi said...

It's a beautiful baby set.

tamdoll said...

Beautiful knitting! I love making baby projects, too - they're so quick and satisfying. Thank goodness my friends keep obliging me by having more kids!

ILikePaperCutting said...

you are so talented and creative in knitting. Read all your knitting posts, makes me so happy today.

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