Elmer's sent me all these craft supplies to giveaway to one lucky winner! Included in the supplies are the Painters that I used for
Thing 1 & Thing 2. You can click on the picture to see everything that's included.
This contest has been moved to another site. Click here, to enter. If you left a comment here earlier, you are entered in the contest. I'll post the winner on both sites.
1 – 200 of 218 Newer› Newest»I'd love to try out the paint markers!
Oh! I love craft supplies! Please pick me!
Ooooh! Pretty craft supplies!!! I am currently in Japan, but I have a Canadian permanent address - does that count?? I hope so... ;)
I can't wait to try out the paint markers & your Thing 1 & 2 projects!
I would love to try these out. I'm surprised I don't have them in my supplies already. Must be slacking.
What a great giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to receive such a neat gift! Great website. love the feed!
I'd absolutely love to have all of those supplies!
Those paint markers look so cool! Sign me up. :)
want to! I are very useful for my work.
I hope to get lucky!
Looks great. I'd love to win. We are gathering supplies to make Thing 1 and Thing 2, although, since I have three girls, I think we might have to make a Thing 3 too!
OO OO OOO yes please!!!!
god I hope I win this I've had such bad lucky lately with the giveaways :P
Thing 1 and 2 are adorable!
A person can never have too many craft supplies!
Good luck all =)
Haha I agree with everyone! No one can EVER have too many supplies!!!
crfts so we would put these supplies to good use.
Oh wow, these look like lots of fun for me and the little one!
caleestreza at hotmail -dot- com
I too would love to have those supplies! Thanks for the contest :D
Oh wow, these look like lots of fun for me and the little one!
caleestreza at hotmail -dot- com
Fun, fun ,fun! We love making close-pin dolls and your Thing one and thing two are just too cute.
Great collection of craft supplies. Thx for the give-away.
This might come in handy in my college art classes... the secret to my speedy success ;)
Pick me, Pick me!!!
Love your ideas,
The paint markers sound like they would be a lot of fun.
This would be wonderful!! Thank you!
I do love new art supplies! My girls & I could have lots of fun with these ;-)
Oooooo! This is an incredible giveaway!!!
I posted on your facebook but thought to come here too. These would be so fun for the girls' classes (and for our own stash here). creativelymom {at} yahoo {dot} com
Please pick me! I need more stuff!
Looks like a lot of crafting fun!! I've never tried paint markers.
Yay - great giveaway.
Thanks! These are awesome!
I didn't even know Elmers made non-glue supplies.
My daughter was totally in love with those thing 1 & 2 peg dolls! We would love those supplies.
WoW! Another great giveaway.
I love Thing1&Thing2. I bought
t-shirts with those characters for my twin girls when they were young.
Arigato to you & Elmers for a very cool contest.
wow, that's cool stuff. nothing like a new box of colour!
Oooh, can always use more art supplies!
Yes please - Elmer's is such a great brand! Thanks for the chance to win!
Ooh, I'd love a chance to win those! Thanks! :)
My little guy and I do "art time" every day. These would make that time all the more special ;)
oh my goodness!!! What a fun giveaway!!
deefna at gmail dot com
We were thinking of doing the thing one and thing two project as a craft program in the library where we work.
these look great thanks minsthins at optonline dot net
I never do these, but I love craft supplies :D
The paint markers sound like fun.
yay, I love tacky glue!
Sounds fun!
Ooooo!!! Cool stuff!
Great give away and great things (1 &2)! Dr. Seuss would be proud.
love it, thanks! :)
Craft supplies, YES!!! Thanks for giving away :)
I would love to try these
I'd like to enter please!
I'd love to enter!! Pick me! :D
so handy to have for school projects
msboatgal at aol.com
Yes please, very cool prize!!!
That is great! I would love to add this to my craft drawer for the kids! Great Giveaway!
These would be great for sculpey stuff! I use a metallic paint pen and it's low!
Would love a chance to win these! Please enter me :-)
Oooh, Oooh, pick me! *wiggles fingers* so many things that can be made with those supplies...
I love art supplies! I hope I win!!
Looks like a great bunch of supplies there, count me in!
Wow! What a great grouping of items!
I LOVE Thing 1 and Thing 2! I had a small stuffed Thing 1 and my dog chewed it up. I was heartbroken. I definately need to make these! Great giveaway also!
These look so fun!!!! I hope I win!!!!
oh yeah! would love to win this and would like to try the paint markers
I could put those supplies to work this holiday season!
Look at all those fun supplies. Lots of ideas for holiday crafting.
i woould love to get paint marker. pick me pick me :)
These are wonderful tools! You did a great job making that cuteness with them!!!!
wow! Someone will be one lucky crafter!!
I would love to get my hands on those paint markers!
These are some great treasures to brighten up our unfinished treasures. Thanks for offering them:)
enter me please!
Love your blog =D
Looks like the makings of lots of great crafts!
Wheee! Paint markers!
Me me me!!
*Jumps up and down with hand raised*
I love art supplies!!
My kids and I can always use craft supplies. Thanks.
I chanced upon your website a few months ago. I really enjoy seeing the interesting crafts that you do!
lili.my _a_t_ gmailDOTcom
Elmers Glue...what crafter could live without it? dottybee
Ooooh: this new mama could use some crafty goodness.
Ooooh is there anything better than craft supplies giveaways?! I think not! dollworks@gmail.com
OOO, pick me, pick me! Love your blog
My boys would love them, of course!
Please count me in! <3
Craft supplies, craft supplies - oh goody! And, even better, ones that I don't have!
I'm such a geek for crafty supplies. This would be great!
totally awesome! :)
Wow...those sure look like a lot of fun and would be put to great use in our house...Crafting is a way of life around here...
These look like a lot of fun!
You can never have enough of this stuff. Crossing my fingers!
YAY! I love giveaways! :)
Me me me me me! I have young children whom I can make jealous... er, I mean, with whom I can share these!
mnich79 at yahoo dot com.
These would be great for my sister.
jswandrn @ gmail.com
One can never have enough craft supplies. Hope I win. Thanks for the chance.
Just found your blog last week when I was searching for craft ideas to do with my kids now that we stopped all TV during the week. Thanks for your ideas!! Thing 1 and Thing 2 are on my list of things to try.
Love that fun stash of creative goodies ... thanks for the chance to win.
Awesome! Awesome!! I want to win the super fun crafty goodness!!
Awesome prizes Elmers! Thanks for sharing Zakka Life!
janeclifflittle at yahoo dot come
This looks like fun! Keeping my fingers crossed!
Oh oh oh! Great giveaway, thank you for this. My young son and I love doing crafty things together!
We love art supplies. The painters look fun.
juliecerdas at gmail dot com
oh, this looks fun. :)
elmer's is always nice. :D
aozora . sanpo@gmail.com
I would love to try these. Thanks. :)
Yay more glue and paint!
Those supplies look great! I would love to use them!
Great supplies!!!
oooooh...craft supplies are always needed at our house as we are a homeschooling family:)
with 3 kids we could always use more supplies
What a fun collection of crafty parts! :)
love love LOVE craft supplies....hope I win! thanks for having such an amazing imagination and site!
I love love LOVE craft supplies! hope I win!
Seriously cool giveaway! I love your Thing 1 and 2...hehe their hair makes me laugh. :)
This craft was my all time favorite! For Read Across America at my children's school, a friend and I dress up as Thing 1 and Thing 2!! I can't wait to make this craft with the students!!!
my little girl could sure use these!
Fun, Fun! I dug your Thing 1 and Thing 2 projects. Thanks for the crafty giveaway.
I love Elmer's products! They are so fun.
"Thing 1 and Thing 2" were adorable. We use the paint pens for cub scouts pinewood derby cars. works great.
Thanks for the entry!
i am a newbie crafter and it's exciting to have the chance to win these supplies to help get the creative juices flowing.
I love Elmer's products.. I've found endless uses for the glue (from amazingly resilient/reusable gift wrapping to making personalized pads for the kids in my daughters class to... so many amazing things to do -- I could only dream of the amazing things I could make with the textured Elmers products-- the paint pens look amazing!!!!!! ♥ Connie
Who wouldn't LOVE this creative supplies? I mean, really?!?
rose (walkinthewoodsllc at att dot net)
Please pick us! We're constantly running out...
What a great giveaway!
Oh, these are gorgeous! Thank you for the giveaway =) <3
I really loved Thing 1&2 and would love to make them with my craft group. Since it's a free group I could really use the supplies.
I would love to experiment with everything there.... what an awesome giveaway! Thanks!
oh pick me!
Can one ever have enough craft supplies? The answer is no! :) Fingers crossed that I'm the lucky one!
pinkleo at sbcglobal dot net
I hope I win! tigerbarb@gmail.com
Wow all tis art suplie looks great!I would love to expirement with it all!!!!!!!!!Thanks for the awsome giveaway!
Wow look at all that art suplie!I would love to expirement with it all!!!!!!!!!Thanks for the awsome giveaway!!!!1
WOW! I love craft supplies... one can never have enough!
This looks like a great giveaway. Just in time for holiday crafts!
me, me, pick me!! :)
OMG!! I love Elmers! Their paint pens are fantastic! I would love to win these, as I use them all the time :)
I'll leave me email here in case it doesn't work from my profile. Thank you for the great giveaway!
Always need more craft supplies!!
OOooo goodies!
Thank you for the opportunity!
Best blog ever! Ooooooh, neato. I hope the winner has fun! - Christine
Ohh, I long for paint pens....
and the ability to create something with them.
I haven't been able to locate the paint markers here - would love to win - what a great giveaway!
Those pens are awesome for all types of crafts. They really give you better control for detailing. yaeko@hockeymail.com
Oh, Elmers... where would we all be without you!?
Oooh, paint markers! What a yummy giveaway! Thanks.
I love Elmers products. I am in love with Cat in the Hat. Thing 1 & 2 are my favorites out of all of them. I have to try to make these for my grandson to be born. They can sit on a shelf in his nursery. LOL Thanks so much for the idea
This would be great for the kids at school.
Elmers makes me feel all nostalgic inside. When I was a kid, many, many years ago, I had an Elmer Bear glue bottle. He was wearing overalls and a cap. I loved that bottle!
I would love to try out the painters. I think they might be useful in the making of my husband Halloween costume.
BTW I love your blog. The stuff you make are very crafty and inspirational.
Awesome. They'll go to good use around here!
Great giveaway! Those paint markers look great!
Please enter me in your great giveaway. Thanks!
These look like great products to try.
shtrqueen123 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I love new supplies. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd love to win these for my Grandchildren. Their Mommy is already panicking about a long indoor winter! Something new and wonderful. I would feel honored to win.
Very cool giveaway!
kkrispia @ yahoo . com
Yay! I have none of these supplies!
cool! would love to win these!
Ooh, ooh, fun craft supplies!
Man, those paint markers look incredible!
There are so many little projects I could do with these items!
Paint pens come in handy for so many things!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
My girls and I love to do crafts.
I'd love to try all this stuff out with my little guy!
What a cool and truely useful giveaway!
I had never seen the paint pens until last week! A friend was using them for a craft project. I would love to try them out!
I'd love to have these for my kids
Great prize pack.
LOOOOOVE the peg people!
Now why doesn't Crayola sell these along with their other products in craft stores? I have never seen these markers before and I scan the craft isles frequently.
I love how smooth the color is on Thing & Thing!
Oh, I would love all of those supplies and so would my kids. I have been on a craft kick and could use those! Hope I win!
Ohhhh... those could be sooooo much fun!! *Love* your blog :)
Craft supplies are a must have! We go through them so fast.
What a lovely giveaway! And craft supplies are always needed.
Would love to create something with these!
oh my son and I love doing crafts together.
We're big fans of Elmer's Glue, and would love to try these craft supplies, too, having used up everything over the summer. It was a very crafty summer!(The painter's markers really intrigue me).
Ooooh, pick me, these look great!
craft supplies - yay!
My children' would make great use of these!
As a teacher and a crafter, one can never have too many craft supplies!
Ooh, craft supplies! I'm praying to the gods of randomness for good luck . . .
What a great giveaway! Whoo hoo!
Thanks for the chance to win ...
l (dot) moore (dot) j (at) gmail (dot) com
These would be great for the kids!
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
We'd have fun with those supplies here at the library!**
We'd have fun with those supplies at the library!**
With a full house this give~away sounds wonderful!! Thanks to you and Elmer's!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ xoxoxox(*Ü*) xoxoxoxox ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Please enter me, that would be SO much fun to play with!
Oooh I want the paint markers! I love your blog, ps.
Paint pens and X-acto knives! Need! :O
jbear824 (at) gmail (dot) com
I have that same pink x-acto knife. I could always use another, or 2.
I would love to have them for my daughter - ferdabozkurt (@) gmail (.) com
Without Parentheses
We would love to try these out. Me and all my little helpers.
looks like tons of fun :)
yay for craft supplies!
lauriewoo at gmail
I never win anything but it's worth a shot.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Those markers look so fun! Definitely a cute set of supplies.
These would come in handy so much when teaching Sunday school!
oh how cool TFS!
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