I bet you can't tell this banana has already been cut. And if you turned it over on the other side, it would look exactly the same. So here's the story behind this. Long ago my brother received a magic trick set for his birthday. Now like a typical brother, he wouldn't let me play with anything. However, there was a book that came with the kit. Oh yes, one glorious book that I was able to get my hands on. In this book were directions on how to cut a banana while keeping the peel intact. The trick did not require any of the toys that came with the kit so I was able to try it out. It worked! To this day I've never forgotten this simple magic trick.
So, curious how this works? Ready to dazzle and amaze your children? Here's the how to.
One pin that has been sterilized. Make sure that it does not have a silver coating that will rub off. One banana.

Insert the pin in where you see the first dot on the right. Make sure it does not stick out the other end. Swivel the pin left to right to slice the banana. Make a slice for each dot. Remove pin. Do all of this ahead of time.

Casually grab a banana from the fruit bowl. Say some magical words "A la peanut butter sandwiches" and peel open the banana to reveal the slices.
*The banana will not be cut perfectly but it looks pretty good.
*Update -
Rane suggests rubbing the pinholes with lemon so they don't brown. Thanks for the tip Rane!
no need to cut, it's all done!
This is awesome! I have to try it with my kids. Thanks for sharing!
Oh, that's just stinkin' hysterical. I can just imagine the look on my girls' faces...
Thanks! This is going to be perfect for April Fool's Day (if I can wait that long).
That is so cute. I think I'll slice one and leave it in the fruit bowl for DH to discover...
How cute!
I was just picturing an amazed surprised look my husband will have if I practiced this at home. That will be hilarious!! Agree with grettingarts, april fool's perfect!
I've seen a version of this trick that involved a needle and thread; this seems so much simpler!
I had completely forgotten about this childhood trick, the way I did it was using a needle and thread, this looks easier, can't wait to try it out..
I learned this nifty trick on Lamb Chops as a kid! It impressed me for years! lol.
How amusing! <3
I need to try this! :P
I wonder what my bf will think :P
Whoa. Totally cool! Can't wait to try it.
I remember seeing this trick on Mr. Wizard! Oh dear. I'm getting old. :)
Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to do it to my son (28)Lol!
And to keep anyone frome descovering your secrete....
rub a lemon slice across the holes so they do not leave tale tale dots when the air hits it and turns brown!a little will do you so they will not smell the lemon.
I remember this one from Mr. Wizard when I was a kid. So cool!
ha! Ha! this is just great! thanks!
ola! mais uma vez obrigada, meu filho gostou muito da banana, ele aprendeu rapido.
que linda familia tens!!!Parabens
gostamos muito de origames, achei otimo.Susana
Awesome!! Thanx the kids are gunna love it!!
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