I've said it before and I'll say it again, inspiration can come from the most unlikely sources. For example, this heart clip was inspired by. . .

plastic bread clip! One day I was looking at the plastic clip and began wondering what it would look like bigger. Then I threw in the idea of a shape. And before I knew it, I had a full blown craft project on my hands. The next question was what to use for materials. I dug into the recycling bin, pulled out a plastic container, and got to work. Here's how I made it.
Supplies: Clear plastic from packaging
Heavy duty scissors
Staz On ink pad
Rubber stamps
One plastic bread clip
Permanent markers

Cut out a heart from the plastic.

Trace the inside of the bread clip onto the plastic heart. Cut out the hole with a pair of scissors.

Stamp the heart with any image you like. The most important thing is to use an ink made for plastic such as Staz On.

Twist your bag and attach the clip just like you would a bread clip.
Other ideas: Make other shapes, squares, circles, etc. Color in stamps with permanent markers. Write directly on the plastic with permanent markers. Skip the bread clip part and punch a hole in the plastic and tie with string.
I think this is brilliant!!
I hardly ever comment, but I have to say, you ALWAYS have amazing ideas. Martha Stewart has nothing on you... she has a whole staff. Your ideas are pure genius!
Love this!!! You have the most wonderful ideas! Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!
You did it again. This is another craft that is easy to make.
I love this idea! Yours turned out beautiful! Thank you for sharing :)
what a great idea! you are just so clever!
Yup. I love this ideal, recycle and re-use and better more, it's pretty.
Fabulous!!! What a great idea!
What a FAB idea!!!! Can I scraplift please?!?!? :)
Lori C. (THCEO)
Your projects are so "real life". Maybe because I'm not an avid crafter or just not understanding the instructions when you say to cut out the hole like the original clip but how do you do that safely? Seems so intricate to me. Could I perhaps use a punch of some sort?
Love it!
Don't you just love it when your brain goes off on a tangent with something you've seen? Mine does it all the time!
I would have never thought of doing something like that!!! <3
So perfect for valentine's day treats! :P
The stamped design makes such a big difference too! <3
I love this idea! Your creativity turned the lurker in me in a commenter, well done. Thanks for sharing!
It is a great idea. Thanks for sharing.
you totally rock. I wish my brain worked like that!
Hey, I figure it's about time I stopped lurking! I saw that someone already mentioned using a punch, and I thought that if you have decorative craft punches as I do, you can use one that has just enough "teeth" like a simple blossom to clasp your baggie, then just punch away on your plastic tags. The confetti left over can be used like glitter to decorate cards, etc. Thanks for sharing your great idea!
What a fantastic and simple idea! I LOVE it!
VERY cool.
You are so talented!
Brilliant! This is perfect for packaging up gifts!
Kat's Meow,
If you have heavy duty sharp scissors, it's easy to cut out the hole in the plastic. But you could definitely use a hole punch instead. You would just have to tie the heart on with ribbon. Hope this helps.
Thank you for answering Kat's Meow question as well. And I like your idea of using the leftovers for confetti. :-)
That is brilliant! You're so talented and creative.
this is awesome and those rockin guitar lolly tags too! happy valentines day to you!! thanks so much.
Hey buddy, your ideas are great and fantastic. I really appreciate them. And thanks for sharing them with us.
super idea!!
Just stopping by to let you know that I've featured your craft on Family Fun Crafts! You can see it here:
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