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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Recipe: Coconut Granita with Lychees

While out to eat, I discovered a wonderful dessert, coconut granita. I've had various fruit granita desserts before but never coconut. So as usual, I decided to recreate it. Granita is possibly one of the easiest desserts to make and this recipe is no exception. Enjoy!

Coconut Granita with Lychees

One Can of Coconut Milk
1 1/4 cup Water
1 cup Sugar
Lychees for garnish - You could use any fruit you like. Strawberries and blueberries would be great for the 4th of July (red, white, and blue)

1. Over low heat in a small pan, dissolve sugar into water until clear. Basically you're making a simple syrup.

2. Pour coconut milk into a large shallow container such as 9 x 13" glass pan.

3. Add sugar/water solution to coconut milk. Mix well.

4. Place in freezer. Mix every 20-30 minutes with a fork. This will create that flaky texture granita has. Do this until mixture is completely frozen. It will take about 2 -3 hours. Done.

While I was taking the photos, the granita started to melt. Usually it doesn't look so mushy.

*Granita can be stored in the freezer for a couple days before serving.


Renna said...

I love coconut, and I love dessert, so I've got to try this. I have not, however, ever heard of lychees. It must not be a common fruit to my area.

Anonymous said...

I love coconut and I really LOVE lychees! I'm going to try this. It'd great on a hot summer day.

Michelle said...

Oh that looks delicious! I happen to have a can of coconut milk in my pantry and coconut-loving guests coming over this weekend. I guess I know what our dessert will be :) Thanks for posting this!

Anonymous said...

I don't know where you live but lychees can be found in cans in the asian section of your local supermarket. Fresh ones are rare and when in season can be difficult to get. They also can be spelled in different ways i.e. litchee nut,
lichee. Good luck, they are my favorite!

even-star said...

booking marking this! fabulous recipe. and so easy!

juliecache said...

must try soon, especially since it's summer and HOT in Iowa.

Ayie said...

hmmmm yummy!

m.e.w. said...

such a simple delicious recipe. I will definitely try it. thanks so much for posting. Mary Ellen

angela said...

Yummy! I've got to try that...soon. Where'd you get lychee? Since moving back to VA from Hawaii I haven't seen it anywhere.

angela said...
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Christy クリスティ said...

seriously yummy!

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