Okay, so I thought I was going to have this tutorial ready for Monday but it's just not going to happen. Well, maybe Monday night it will be ready. I made the item and took all the pictures, I just need to do some writing and editing. In the mean time I thought it would be fun for you to guess what this is. Just a hint, it's not as obvious as it looks. There's a twist to it. Have fun guessing. I'll be back this Tuesday with the tutorial.
It looks like a bag, but that would be too obvious.
Maybe something else with handles, something that normally wouldn't have handles? A playmat?
and maybe a beach mat?
chair pads?
catchat105 has said all I wanted to say.
looks like a tote!!! hmmm maybe one that can be folded out to make a cute gingham pinic blanket...
clever readers you have i thought of picnic mat becomung a tote.....but maybe it is a lamp shade?
Could it be a sling bag, or a pillowcase, or a laptop cover? I love the fabric, nonetheless.
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