Me: Jason(my husband), I'm going to make some ninjas popping out of cupcakes.
Jason: *Look of confusion*
Me: It's for the blog.
Jason: Oh, okay.
See, all I have to say is "it's for the blog" and somehow it magically makes sense. Now, if I could somehow transfer that effect to buying shoes, I'd really be on to something.
Okay, back to the cupcake ninja toppers/siders. I started to think why should the tops of the cupcakes get all the love, how about the sides? The sides could have something jetting out of them and then it hit me, Ninjas!

Right click, copy, save, paste and print. You might need to scale the size of them. Once printed, cut out, tape to toothpicks and have fun. For the ninjas on top, make sure the printed part does not touch the frosting. You don't want ink running into the frosting.

Hee hee hee! These are hilariously cute!
What an *amazing* idea. I absolutely love this!
Very cute!
Totally get you on the blog thing. I have done the same thing! And it's funny to watch my 3 year old go around with a play camera and 'take pictures' of food and stuff. lol
I wonder if y our magic phrase, "it's for the Blog" works on all husbands? I need a new computer. Saying it's for the Blog makes more sense than saying I need new underwear, and it's for the Blog.
To the best of my knowledge, Blogs go Comando!
Oh yes. My husband and I have the same "It's for the blog" conversations. Except these days he rarely asks. He just assumes my crazy antics are blog-related.
Great ninjas! I might do these for my brother's birthday.
Fantastic, i will copy them.
Thanks very much.! My sons love cupcake or as we call in Argentina Madalenas o Muffin`s
LOL -- I love ninjas! Thanks for the printable! I may be making these for my husband's work team. I think ninja cupcakes may be an awesome Friday pick-me-up.
awwww!These are so cute and original! love themmmmm!
I'm in love with these "toppers!-- only I don't bake western-style sweets much. I'll have to figure out how to use these with wagashi (traditional Japanese confections). My fellow ninja-lovers (especially my kids and their friends) will go wild! Thanks so much for the idea. :D
Hilarious! I use that "It's for the blog" saying all the time too. ha!
I'll be linking:-)
that is soooooo cute! Wish I had a lil boy to throw a party for!
this is so fun! this is also why your blog is my daily blog doze.
love them!!
Love the idea of putting them on the side. This would be great for anything, but love that they are ninjas.
haha, how fun!
omg genius! thank you for the freebie.
That may be the single greatest thing ever made by human hands.
How cute!! I linked to your blog on this idea! Hope you don't mind! :)
Had to post a link from my blog! Love it!
These are so cute!! Such a fun idea!
new follower. Love your blog and these are super super cute!
I am so making these for my daughters 16 year bday! She loves them! LOL
THanks my little boys will love these. Heck! I love them!!
Those are cute & I love the It's for the blog thing. Too funny & so true isn't it, lol
Awesome. Hysterical. Wonderful. Thank you for sharing them! The wheels are already spinning with excuses to make ninja cupcakes... Can't wait to use them!!!
These are so cute. Make them in difference sizes. Make them more colorful - red, orange, pink, green...
hee hee.......I love these! My husband's reaction is the same. In fact, there have been quite a few things he has said "hey, let's put this on your blog!"
thats really simple and so effective. thanks!
There are never enough ninjas in the world. If I was a ninja I would so hang around cupcakes too! Those are SO cool! This post really made me laugh. you have a great sense of humour
These are really cool. My boys will love these. Thank you so much for sharing these.
Awesome idea... I love how they are just peeking out!
I've included this in a cupcake idea roundup today on Foodwhirl: http://foodwhirl.com/sweet-treats/shaved-ice-cupcakes-and-more-cupcake-ideas
Thanks for sharing them!
Love, love, love them! You are amazing! I can't wait to print some of these out for the next time my daughter tests for a karate belt!
very nice cakes =)
These crack me up!
hahaha so cute, ninjas hiding behind the cuppies!
Such a fun idea! Ya, that's right...why do the tops get all the attention?
Best. Thing. Ever. Thank you!
Those darn ninjas...always hiding.
Heheh, I'm gonna make these next time I bake cupcakes :3
Those darn ninjas...always hiding.
Heheh, I'm gonna make these next time I bake cupcakes :3
Ack! So very cute! I seriously want this for my birthday cupcakes. Thank you !!
waaah! so awesome!!! can't wait for an excuse to try them!
These are so adorable! I'm going to need to have a ninja party just for them!
I'm having a Tae Kwon Do party for my boys in a few weeks. This is just what I was looking for. Thank you for sharing such a great idea!
Thank you for sharing your creative idea! I'm having a Tae Kwon Do party for my boys in a few weeks. This is just what I was looking for!!
omg i absolutely LOVE this cupcake! G E N I U S idea :D can't wait to try them out ^^
Thank you, so much, for these! My baby shower is this weekend and my mom has been struggling to find ninja themed decorations. These tiny ninjas will be perfect!
These are adorable! Thank you for posting!
Thank you for the ninja printables.
Making these for my daughter's birthday cupcakes to share with her classmates!
Thank you for posting these. I really loved them at my sons birthday party. I will post photos of everything later.
I skimmed the comments to see if anyone else had asked, but how did you attach the ones on the side? Did you glue one on either side of a tooth pick and push it in? Thanks!
I'm pretty sure I taped them to toothpicks and inserted the toothpick through the side of the cupcake. Hope this helps :)
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