Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Upcycle Craft: Christmas Bows

One of my favorite things to do during the holidays is wrap gifts, weird right? While most people dread it and find it to be an inconvenience, I find it relaxing. Part of the fun is picking out the paper, decorations, ribbon and creating a theme (yep, I usually have a gift wrap theme). Somethings I make and some things I buy.

This year I stumbled upon a way to make a bow after finishing off a bag of candy. I was inspired by the actual candy bag, the inside foil reminded me of Christmas Bows. So, that's what I set out to make. The result, a surprisingly quick and easy way to make a bow. I didn't time myself but I'm sure it took no longer than two minutes to make. Here's the how-to.

Food packaging lined with foil - For this craft the package should be constructed with two sheets sealed on all four sides.
Double stick tape - I used tape that's pre-cut for scrapbooking.

*Click on pictures to get a larger view.

Starting with a food package, cut strips horizontally. Next, turn all the strips inside out.

The strips naturally coiled into a figure 8 shape. The left "8" I taped the center together to make two loops. The right "8" has not been taped, it's just to show you how the strips naturally form. Next, take one loop and push it down in the center to make a bow shape and tape (refer to right picture).

Now push down the other loop just like you did in the last step and tape. Make three of these and one basic loop (refer to right picture).

Take two of the bows you made and tape them together in an "x" shape. Next tape another bow vertically down the center of the bows.

Last, tape your basic loop in the center. Done.


  1. What a cool idea! Thanks for sharing it!

  2. very nice and eco! though my teeth might fall out if i wrap all my presents using candy bags!!

  3. finkykntr,

    You don't have to use candy bags. I'm sure there's a treasure trove of materials in your recycle bin. If this tutorial doesn't work for you, you might want to try How About Orange's tutorial for bows. Here's the link:

  4. Oh, wow. That is insanely clever! Must. Buy. Candy.

  5. Fantastically easy - I love that's it's a bag and recycled to something so pretty. you are so clever.

  6. This is a very good idea!I will try it on the christmas gifts!Thanks for sharing this and that link about the other bow!It's a bit harder but it's beautiful too! :)

  7. Great for year round =) Kid friendly too :D

  8. really love you for your creative.

  9. great idea! i love anything that's both eco friendly and shiny :)

  10. What a great idea! I hate to buy bows but I will love to make the bows from my candy bags! Thank you for sharing!!

  11. What a great idea! Thanks for the very clear tutorial, I'll definitely do this for my non-posted gifts. :)

  12. Thanks for the great bow-making tip. I think the one you made looks great!

  13. I love this idea so much that I might just go out and buy candy for it. Of course, I'll have to eat the candy but I am willing to sacrifice for my craft...

  14. very practical to make a bow from such wrapper

  15. What a wonderful idea! A great way to use candy bags, possibly other paper materials as well. Thank you!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This is a wonderful idea! The simple designs are so very often the most effective - thank you for the inspiration!

  18. I also love wrapping gifts. My dad taught me how to wrap them tight and need. Why would I pay $1 for a bag when I can get a whole roll of paper for not much more? This year I wrapped presents for my kids from all the relatives and tried to make it look like they were wrapped by different people. For Grown-up gifts I like the Japanese techniques with fabric. I'm guessing I'll get to some of that if I keep looking at your older blog posts.

  19. Brilliant & simple! Now I know what to do with my junk food packets! :D

  20. Love it! Can't wait to try it!
