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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Kid Craft: Fabric Scrap Ornaments

I've been storing this idea in my brain now since high school. I always knew one day I would get around to making it. I just didn't think it would take me fifteen years! The idea came from someone I used to babysit for. The mother had made a wreath out of a styrofoam wreath form and fabric. Of course, I asked her how she made the wreath and she was happy to share the details. I always thought the technique would make for a nice ornament.

This is an easy inexpensive craft for children 5 and up. Both my 5 and 7 year old made one of these ornaments and had no problems. Directions below.

One styrofoam ball - I used a ball that's 2" in diameter, any size will work

Fabric cut into one inch squares - If you're going to use a bigger ball, I recommend making the squares larger as well.

Embossing tool or tiny screw driver - You don't want to use anything pointy like a toothpick or knitting needle ( it will just poke a hole in the fabric). I speak from experience.

Tapestry needle
Knitting needle

1. Poke a hole all the way through the center of the styrofoam with the knitting needle. Thread both ends of yarn trough it. Tie yarn at bottom of ball. Cut loose ends. Refer to picture above.

With embossing tool, push the center of the fabric into the styrofoam.

Your ornament should look something like this now.

Repeat process until the entire ball is covered and no styrofoam is showing.



Deanna said...

Love it! What an adorable ornament! Would make a great wreath too.

Chantal said...

Simple and no messy glue. Great kids craft. Thanks for sharing your tutorial!

Leremme said...

Wow very nice, it looks fantastic and easy to make

Michelle L. said...

Super cute and looks so easy! What a fantastic stash buster, too. Ooh, what other good stuff is stored in your brain since teen-hood? Let's have another!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I made one of those wreathes in 4th grade! Lots of fun.

Anne said...

Love, LOVE!! I linked to your tutorial over at Craft Gossip Sewing:


Elsa said...

just fabulous and brilliant! I even have that very same tool! have to be making some of these ... it would be cute on a wreath too! thanks so much.

missbossypants said...

very cute! one question though - without glue, does the fabric stay in the ball well, or will it eventually fall out?
I'd love to try this out this weekend with my kids!

VICTORIA said...

Thank you for a wonderful idea. I have shared on my blog Whimsical Parasol. http://whimsicalparasol.blogspot.com/


Niko said...

Cool! Will have to do this when my little one gets a bit bigger. Thank you for sharing.

www.kursykrokpokroku.pl said...

Gratuluje pomysłowości!!!

macati said...

you are totally joking, right? this easy with this wonderful final look? woooow... just love this idea!!!!
thanks for sharing...

Caca said...

great idea! let's see I use your idea for Chinese New Year ornament.

val said...

20 years ago I was given a wreath made this same way. I used it until it fell apart! I loved it.....and so did everyone else. Seeing your ornament makes me miss it!

Kim said...

This is so cute! Thanks for sharing. We always have tons of fabric, now I have a mission!

Unknown said...

Love this idea :) I'm your newest follower!

BellsInSpires said...

this is such an adorable idea. so genius. merry christmas!

Floralshowers Craft Blog said...

That is such a cute idea! bookmarking it for next year :)

cookmomster said...

This is an awesome tutorial, with kids in mind. How well do these store? Do they get flattened?
Thanks, Faith.

Heather said...

This is great! I'm almost finished making my first one and it looks grand.

I wonder how long 'til the fabric pieces fall out as well? Anyone care to chime in a share what you've experienced with this?

zakkalife said...


I just got out the fabric ornaments from last year and only one piece of fabric fell out. Unless someone's playing with them, I think they should hold up pretty well. You can also add a little glue to the foam ball before you add the fabric if you want. Hope this helps :)


Heather said...

Thanks, Jessica. Mine turned out beautifully! There were a couple of squares that popped out and I just gave those each a dab of glue. I also found that the flat end of a bamboo skewer worked well for the tool as I couldn't find an embossing tool.

Ana said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!i love it!I´m doing it wright now

Anonymous said...

Great tutorial! I'm linking to it now in a post on scrap busting with style!

Flannery @ Three Sisterz said...

LOVE! Just blogged our inspiration project: http://threesisterz.blogspot.com/2012/12/fabric-scraps-ornaments.html

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