Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Linoleum Print Christmas Cards

This year I decided to deviate from the Christmas photo cards and make some old fashioned cards instead. I dug out my linoleum supplies and got to work. I carved out a very basic nativity scene. Next, I stamped it on "O Holy Night" sheet music (that's my favorite Christmas song). Last, I sprinkled a little glitter on the ink before it dried. It was nice to have a project like this. Usually, I just make one of something so this was kind of therapeutic for me.

I made 27 cards. Now that I'm done, I have a new respect and appreciation for block printers. For whatever reason I couldn't get the ink/pressure right. All of them came out a little faded or a little too blotchy for my taste. But I'm just going to say that ads charm, right?

What cards are you making this year?

One more question, what do you do with the photo cards after the holidays? Do you save them or throw them away? Promise I won't tell anyone.


  1. I am not familiar with the linoleum you are talking about. Is it the same linoleum for floors and what do you do with it? Thanks!

  2. Oh boy - what do I do with the old photo cards? Well, I saved them for a long time, with every intention of making mini-albums for each year. After 4 years and no album, I made myself admit that project would never happen, and I tossed them.

  3. It does add charm! These are so different and traditional at the same time, and I love 'em! I have never made cards but am always impressed with people who do. I save photo cards pretty much forever if I love whoever's in the picture, since otherwise people are so bad about sending me photos. But if not, I toss. Sometimes immediately. Did I write that publicly?

  4. These are lovely! Great idea doing a lino print over the music sheet background.

  5. Wow, lovely cards!

    Well, mostly I only get christmas cards from my gradparents, so they're not much. If the cards are bautiful, I'll keep them, if not, I'll toss them after a few month. But I still have most of the cards from the last ten years.

  6. Lee Ann,

    Sorry, I should have explained more. It's different than linoleum for floors. Here's a link to a tutorial with pictures so you can get a better idea about the process.

    Hope this helps :)

  7. Stunning. I have always adored the simplicity of lino printing. This is beautiful.

  8. I think your cards turned out lovely!

    I made my cards this year, but forgot to take a photo. Duh. I'll have to make one more for a photo opp. I save photo cards every year and store them with my holiday decorations. It's fun to see how kids have grown from year to year.

  9. I always save the photo cards because I don't get pictures sent to me often. I trim off the end so they are regular picture size and stick them in a photo album I've designated as "Random and Unchronological".

  10. These are lovely! They look so great on the sheet music. I made cards with little stars this year, you can see them here

  11. Love your cards ...
    was thinking of making cards this year but found a bunch of old cards, so I'm sending them out instead.
    to tell you the absolute truth (shhh, don't tell anyone) I've saved almost all my cards since I was little (everything from Christmas to my birthday). I know it's a bit much, but I'm just really quite sentimental and I love looking at them from time to time. Have every card and letter that my parents every sent me also.

  12. Love your card and especially on the sheet music! I had wanted to make my husband and I into a Flat Stanley type card.Since we don't travel much it would a fun way to pretend to visit all of our friends and family.I of course have run out of time, and as I always say,maybe next year!

  13. oh these are just wonderful. Last time I made something out of linoleum was in 6th grade...a long long time ago!
    photo cards? I hate to say it but they end up in an envelope in the big tub of Christmas bags, labels and tins. I can't bring myself to throw them away but I don't actually put them anywhere...
    Regular cards are kept and cut up for next year's gift tags.

  14. I'd like to pin some of your photos onto and will give you credit.

    Do I have your permission?

  15. Carla,

    Go for it! Thanks for asking :)

  16. Your cards are lovely and we would like to copy the idea but we are facing difficulties in finding the same nice sheet music of "O Holy Night" You used for Your cards. Could You please tell us where we can find it ?
