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Monday, February 7, 2011

Craft: Watercolor Heart Garland

I've been wanting to test this heart garland idea out for a while. It was just a matter of getting to the store to buy the doilies. I feel like lately we've been so busy. Baseball season has officially started for us and now we're up to two practices a week opposed to the one that I'm used to. I'm just thankful my youngest hasn't started a sport yet.

This craft is quick, easy and inexpensive to make. It's great for all ages. Simple direction below.

Heart Doilies - I find they're usually cheaper at the dollar store. You can also find them at craft and party supply stores.
Fishing line

1. Paint with watercolors. Let dry.

2. Iron flat, paint side down. Use the lowest setting.

3. String on fishing line. Done.

Craft Tips:
1. If you're going to have a child make these, I recommend selecting the color palette. Take out the blacks and browns so the hearts don't end up murky looking. This still gives the child creative freedom and works much better than telling them not to use certain colors. I speak from experience.

2. Fishing line is a great investment for your craft supplies. I'm constantly using it for birthday parties, garland and even mobiles. It's inexpensive and you get a lot. You'll have it for years.


www.kursykrokpokroku.pl said...


Caca said...

How nice if I could see some photos of your cute little girl busy at work painting the dollies.

Unknown said...

Awe these are so cute!

zakkalife said...


I actually painted the ones in the pictures otherwise I would have a few photos of her painting them. Next time.

KJ@letsgoflyakite said...

Lovely. I really love the choice of the doilies and the watercolour paint. Your post is also a good reminder that I do not use watercolours enough. Sometimes with kid crafting, there is a natural tendency toward acrylic or tempra because of the intensity and richness. I really appreciate your tips on watercolour selection.

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