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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Craft: Spring Egg Cups

About a week back I was crafting with egg cartons, you may remember this post. Well, I couldn't just stop at one craft. Who can, right? I wanted to see what else I could make with the egg cartons. That's when I came up with these cute little egg cups. They're easy to make and would be perfect for a kid craft.

Egg carton - picture above
Clear Acrylic paint
Decoupage glue - something non-toxic

Cut egg cartons into individual cups. You will need two per egg cup.

Glue together, refer to picture.

Paint anyway you wish. Once dry, cover with a layer of acrylic paint. Paint the inside (where the egg sits) with non-toxic decoupage glue. Let dry. Done.

* I don't recommend eating out of these egg cups. They're just for display.


Craft Medley said...

These are so cute! I could see myself making a few of these to use throughout the year - the clear acrylic paint really makes them look chic :)

xoxo Maria

zakkalife said...

thanks Maria :)

Caca said...

love the pink!

Unknown said...

Wow Jessica, your egg cups are brilliant!

Also, kinda impressed with the fact that you're recycling up a storm over there. Perfect in my books. :)

Ann said...

Neat idea! Can picture these as a grouping on a mantel, each holding a colored egg.

Unknown said...

Super cute and super cool!

Last Minute Mel said...

these are brilliant - great idea for displaying easter eggs - will definitely try this :)

Rebecca said...

Wow! Adorable! I write the Arts & Crafts column for the Examiner and I'd love to share this idea. Please let me know!

Annie B said...

Have you seen THIS http://ifitshipitshere.blogspot.com/2011/03/eggs-sharpies-and-egg-bot-will-do.html

OMG it is the best device I think I have ever seen!

Christy クリスティ said...

very very clever idea!

Marie {Make and Takes} said...

These are so great!! We've been painting egg cartons for other projects and I'm going to add this to the list. So cute!

Marina said...

You are so creative!!! They are fantastic! I will definitely be having a go at these to display our eggs this year. Thank you for sharing.


Aiming4Simple said...

These are so neat!

Melissa @ The Chocolate Muffin Tree said...

Love Love Love! What a GREAT idea!!!!! Something different for easter to go along with our keepsake eggs!

Aimee said...

I love this idea! We did it, and posted about it here: http://aimeeledwell.com/?p=427 with credit to you, of course!

genie said...

Another wonderful idea for fun time with my granddaughter and her little friend. They are coming for 3 days so between this,the precious paper strip eggs, and the dying of eggs they should stay busy. genie

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