Here are the results from the lab, all of the basal cell (skin cancer) was not removed. . . which means. . . a third surgery. I'm really disappointed and slightly depressed by the outcome. But I'm trying to keep in perspective that this is more of an inconvenience than a hardship. The basal cell is slow to grow and will not spread to other places so it's not endangering my health. Once the skin heals from the last surgery, I plan on getting the Mohs surgery which is probably what I should have done for the second surgery. Oh-well.
The picture above was taken a couple weeks after my first surgery. I know, not quite attractive, it was taken in the morning and I'm not wearing any makeup. I chose it because you can kind of see the scar on my chin (red spot). And if you're wondering, yes I'm making onigiri in the photo.
You have said the most important thing - your health is not in jeopardy. All the rest is merely the "small stuff" that we must constantly tell ourselves not to sweat, right? I think you and your little sweetie look adorable in the picture, and I am now planning sushi for lunch!
At least it's not a cancer that will spread! I'm sure having surgery is no fun at all, but it's great that you are going to recover fully from this. Hope the process isn't too painful.
I had not realised you were ill. Good thing it's not dangerous (anymore). Good luck with the rest of the healing.
Some things just take time. As long as you have a good attitude and faith in your medical care, a positive outcome is in your future.
My Dad had a nasty bout with that right in the middle of his bulbous nose. He went the tough guy route and never had anything cosmetic done so there's something less attractive about that spot, but it's a heck of a reminder to all the grandkids to sunscreen up, and it doesn't make him any less of a Husband, Dad, or Grandpa. Your health is the most important thing, and a year from now this will all be but a memory.
Have had Moh's myself. Two years later all I have as a reminder is a silky-looking silver scar.
No worries!
i havent posted any comments but been keeping up with your updates
i just wanted to drop in and say all the very best and whilst its a pain to have to go back, i am glad to hear u have the right attitude to keep going on
and u know, i think u look very pretty in that pic
I hope everything goes well.
Take care of yourself. Thinking of you.
Take good care! (hugs)
hang in there...it made me smile to read your last sentence about the onigiri:)
The picture is plenty attractive, Jessica. Sorry you have to go through surgery again, but please try to stay upbeat and don't be disheartened. This time they'll get it all and that's what's important. Thanks for the update, I've been thinking of you.
Take care.
Hugs and prayers from Brazil
Glad that in the end you will be fine. BTW you look beautiful. I am 52, enjoy your youth, smooth skin and beauty and don't say you don't look good - you are lovely!
I feel bad that I neglected to read your blog for a while....or any blog for that matter.
I wanted to send you my best wishes and good thoughts. Thank you for sharing. My mother also has had issues with a place on her nose. I think about that all the time.
Anyway. Sending my positive vibes. :)
Good to know that its not life threatening and that you are alright. Take care, girl.....our thoughts & prayers are with you. You will recover soon, don't worry!
- Ancella
You are beautiful, even with the scar
i wish you fast recovery and health and long life ful of love and creativity
hugs, Tzippy
I'm a skin cancer survivor and I am sure, SURE, that all will be well. Also, you look great with or without makeup, with or without a scar on your chin. Take it to the bank!
I'm just checking your blog after a long vacation & have read about your skin cancer & surgery. I hope all goes smoothly and wish you well. (Your picture is beautiful, btw. If I looked like you without makeup, I never would wear any!)
Take care and heal quickly, Tammy.
I've been away, but now that I am back just wanted to send you my best wishes.
It can be so hard to terms with things we can't have full control over. But, for whatever it's worth, if I can add my two cents, we lose nothing by remaining as hopeful as we can, and believing in the best.
Please count me among your well wishers!
Hope you're doing well and recovering quickly.
After mine last year, I will probably never again take surgery lightly or brush off its effects. For anyone.
God bless you.
feel better soon!! p.s. i think you look wonderful make up or not! :) x
So sorry to hear you have to go through another surgery. Hope you are all mended for now. :)
So sorry to hear you have to go through another surgery. Hope you are all mended for now. :)
You are the most beautiful crafter i have ever seen! Take care and my best wishes for you and your family. Love, Olga wanna-be crafter from Romania
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